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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Healing Discrepancy


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So, I'm a 32 Merc, fully specced healer. I was talking to a guildie, and he said that as a level 16 Sorc, he's been healing for a consistent 200k per WZ. However, the most I've ever healed is 190k. It's kinda hard to compare my healing to other healers, since there are so few of us. Do Sorc's just have better healing at lower levels, or do I just need to gain some more PvP experience?


Hard to have variation with the Bodyguard tree, but here's my spec:


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1) 190k is nothing to dismiss. I only break 200k (at level 50) on non-huttball ones

2) Keep in mind there is the Bolster skill, so being level 30ish you have most of your abilities which is more of a difference

3) Sorcs at all levels have an easier time healing and DPSing. Unless you are really good or try really hard, the Sorc is going to put up bigger numbers.

4) Your spec is a little wonky. No Kolto Residue, Mandalorian Iron Warheads, and Ironsights is kinda weird. Even if you were rushing to get Kolto Shell, I'd take all of those before Proactive Medicine.

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I'm not seeing any real discrepancies at the 50's level. You'll want to work on filling out your talents so you can have access to your full healing stable. I wouldn't recommend mando warheads early on. Kolto missile heals for a very small amount (2.5kish crits) so it's not imperative to boost its heal. The only time it would be nice is if you're picking up Muzzle Fluting for PS spam (very helpful when leveling as a BG) and need the extra talents to progress in the tree.


I'd recommend swapping Vent Hents for kolto residue. With Residue, SCG, and protective field you should have no problems breaking the 5k healing medal--when you're properly geared at least. After that Cure+Reactive Armor and into Warden->Emergency Scan. Very straightfoward, and it lets you pick up Ironsights at levels 40-43. A nice enough time for it as any. The talent gets stronger as you level up, and is much more effective at higher levels with all the stats you begin accruing.

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With Residue, SCG, and protective field you should have no problems breaking the 5k healing medal--when you're properly geared at least.


hmmmm.. back when i was not even in full champ, i always get 5k heal medal. at least once in 3 match. the only surge item i had was daily rakata implant and my champ glove.


after surge nerf, i never get 5k heal medal anymore. atm i'm at 64% surge.


even in pve i seldom crit for 5k. when it does, your tank was not hurt much:o

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hmmmm.. back when i was not even in full champ, i always get 5k heal medal. at least once in 3 match. the only surge item i had was daily rakata implant and my champ glove.


after surge nerf, i never get 5k heal medal anymore. atm i'm at 64% surge.


even in pve i seldom crit for 5k. when it does, your tank was not hurt much:o


I'm not really seeing such a large drop in healing. My PvE crits are 5-6k (rapid scans). Here's a game post-nerf that should show they're still possible in PvP as well. I'd rather avoid analysis of the game. I have plenty of other pictures where I've gotten them, but didn't hover over the healing stat to view the max heal. Not all games are great, and this one was kind of a dud. We went through maybe two or three teams on each side as people would dodge every time a point was scored.


5k Heal Medal


I do find it difficult to nab the medals because once I pop my shield any other healer gets boosted. I can get topped off so fast I've found I need to lose enough health so that I'll have at least three tries at a crit available. I usually wait until I'm <10k/20k to pop it.

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Its not that bad as it seems, actualy its a lot about your positioning.With good position you can get 300K medal pretty fast without problems.



if you wanna compare some numbers with 50lvl causual geared (520+- expertise) healer look at videos on my signature.

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Merc will shine once you get to 50 and get the gear for it.


Best healing I've seen from a sorc was 450k


Best healing I've seen from a merc was 900k


I'm definitely not the easiest person to get to say BS, but 900k for merc does trigger the need -proof factor.


Personal best for me is over 600k, in a hectic full voidstar. Sorc guildy has done 800k+, but that is due to unlimited target aoe heals... I think 900k might be just about a possibility but requires such a stupid opposing team that without proof I'd say not a gamerealistic thing.


Or I guess with huttball and sitting in the fire and healing... That's doable too, but that is sort of false value then.

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I'm definitely not the easiest person to get to say BS, but 900k for merc does trigger the need -proof factor.


Personal best for me is over 600k, in a hectic full voidstar. Sorc guildy has done 800k+, but that is due to unlimited target aoe heals... I think 900k might be just about a possibility but requires such a stupid opposing team that without proof I'd say not a gamerealistic thing.


Or I guess with huttball and sitting in the fire and healing... That's doable too, but that is sort of false value then.


It was during a hutball game, the other team had 5-0 but got turned to 5-6 thanks to great healing.


I'll ask the guy if he have a screenshot of it.

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So, I'm a 32 Merc, fully specced healer. I was talking to a guildie, and he said that as a level 16 Sorc, he's been healing for a consistent 200k per WZ. However, the most I've ever healed is 190k. It's kinda hard to compare my healing to other healers, since there are so few of us. Do Sorc's just have better healing at lower levels, or do I just need to gain some more PvP experience?


Hard to have variation with the Bodyguard tree, but here's my spec:



Sorc have better AOE heals than we do and line of sight isn't as huge of an issue for them. They can also "cheat" by purposefully dropping their health and then re-healing it back. I seen more than a few do this at the very beginning of warzones.


You just have to remember that sorcs have more versatility than BH do. They have been given escapes and combat and healing flexibilities BH's lack simply because we have heavy armor.


But we BHs do have one thing going for us. Because we lack mobility and no magic "escape" option we tend to take more of a "$%#@ it" mentality and stay and heal throughout any given fight. What is the point of running to survive if you can't run in the first place right? As a result our healing tends to be placed at the more crucial times because we won't run away at the first sign of death (unlike some sorcs I know).


we may end up respawning more than our sorc counterparts but we definately have a place on the battelfield. We can take a few hits and keep on healing which means we were always intended to be in the middle of the action.

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hmmmm.. back when i was not even in full champ, i always get 5k heal medal. at least once in 3 match. the only surge item i had was daily rakata implant and my champ glove.


after surge nerf, i never get 5k heal medal anymore. atm i'm at 64% surge.


even in pve i seldom crit for 5k. when it does, your tank was not hurt much:o


It is probably time to shift some of that surge over to alacrity. I think you may have long since gone past the point of deminished returns. As for the 5k healing, I can't even recall the last time I got it and I am in 1/2 BM gear.


But in warzoens I take speed over crit healing any time. It is only in operations or HM that those crits come into play and I love seeing them then.

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Merc will shine once you get to 50 and get the gear for it.


Best healing I've seen from a sorc was 450k


Best healing I've seen from a merc was 900k


Must have some crappy sorcs.


A sorc has the tools to outheal a merc providing the sorc is left free to cast. Against competent enemies though, a sorc is going to spend more time dead than a merc. This is where a merc really shines over a sorc as they simply dont have the survivability that even a dps sorc has (i.e. no root on knockback or bubble blindness or inst/short cooldown whirlwind).


For the record, the most I have seen a sorc heal for was 910k and a merc 780k. It was in the same voidstar. I suspect the sorc could have been over a million had he not died 5 times compared to the mercs 1 time.

Edited by pathiss
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Sorc have better AOE heals than we do and line of sight isn't as huge of an issue for them. They can also "cheat" by purposefully dropping their health and then re-healing it back. I seen more than a few do this at the very beginning of warzones.


Sorcs arent doing this to inflate heal numbers, they are doing this to get the 5k medal because it is much harder to get as a sorcerer post surge nerf in combat.


You just have to remember that sorcs have more versatility than BH do. They have been given escapes and combat and healing flexibilities BH's lack simply because we have heavy armor.


A heal specced sorcerer has more escapes than a merc, but they dont have the tools other sorcs have. In other words they do not have the knockback root and the bubble blindness. They also dont have insta cast, short cool down whirlwind either. A sorcerer also has to completely rely on thier teammates when a dps decides they want to kill them, because they are hard pressed to heal through even a single dps that is semi competent enough to use interrupts. My merc is hands down more survivable than a sorc, and I dont have to rely on people as much or require guard as much.


But we BHs do have one thing going for us. Because we lack mobility and no magic "escape" option we tend to take more of a "$%#@ it" mentality and stay and heal throughout any given fight. What is the point of running to survive if you can't run in the first place right? As a result our healing tends to be placed at the more crucial times because we won't run away at the first sign of death (unlike some sorcs I know).


This is just stupid and silly. The reason why sorcerers tend to run away more is because they HAVE to. I tend to run away less because I can take one hell of a beating compared to a sorc.


we may end up respawning more than our sorc counterparts but we definately have a place on the battelfield. We can take a few hits and keep on healing which means we were always intended to be in the middle of the action.


A sorcerer has far less survivability even with the few extra tools they have compared to us. Most people know now that healing sorcs pretty much only have force sprint, a very short knock back, 2 second stun,long cool down snare, and a castable (i.e. easily interruptible) whirlwind on a long cool down. They are saving stuns to stop the sprint (or jump/pull abilitities to counter) and saving their cc break or interrupt for a whirlwind. Since the healing sorc cant actually kill them or afford to waste global cool downs on any thing outside of selfhealing or escape tools, a dps can afford to be a little patient.




Misconceptions cleared up and responses in red above. The grass isnt always greener.

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On a side note, I feel the two are fairly balanced against each other.


Survivability sacrificed for more heal throughput on a sorc.


And more survivability at the sacrifice of heal throughput for us.


When it comes to ranked warzones though, I know what I would prefer to have as healers on my team. Given an 8 man team for rankings, I would want two merc healers (and one hybrid sorc with thier channel heal but not the ae heal puddle, with extra survival tools).

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Speaking as a fully tank specced PvP PT, I have to say that I am nigh on invincible when paired with a decent merc. Between the two of us we're almost impossible to kill, I keep the damage off him, he keeps me up. With all the utility I have in terms of controlling the fight (taunts, grapples, charge, oil slick, that flaming aoe thing I can never remember the name of which debuffs everyone's damage a bit), we can usually keep a civil war node just on our own against a whole team. I couldn't do that with a sorc, they're far too squishy.
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Speaking as a fully tank specced PvP PT, I have to say that I am nigh on invincible when paired with a decent merc. Between the two of us we're almost impossible to kill, I keep the damage off him, he keeps me up. With all the utility I have in terms of controlling the fight (taunts, grapples, charge, oil slick, that flaming aoe thing I can never remember the name of which debuffs everyone's damage a bit), we can usually keep a civil war node just on our own against a whole team. I couldn't do that with a sorc, they're far too squishy.

Have to say that as a merc healer, any kind of tank guarding me at all means nigh invulnerability unless almost full team is gunning for me. Had a just dinged lvl50 powertech guarding me in pug wzones the other day, and 4-5 people was easily defendable against. Guess they should have gone for the tank haha. :)

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Thanks for all the responses! I guess the consensus is that Sorc's have more healing, but are squishier than us.


Hopefully I can get some responses to this question without creating a new topic... it's about Kolto Missile. I use it literally 2-3 times per WZ, usually when i'm running and need a very quick instant-heal. Should I be utilizing this more often, along with Mando Warheads (20% heal bonus to Missile) and Kolto Residue (5% healing for 15 seconds)? I didn't pick up residue because 5% seems rather trivial to me.


Thanks again!

Edited by Gannar
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the 5% isn't that much extra healing, but it adds up. I tend to use kolto missile a lot because:

1: It is instant cast. It isn't instant Heal though, darn missile travels slower than a snared Tauntaun.

2: enemies do not see a green healing ability over my head when i do it, so it is sneaky.

3: Healing on the go

4: It is an efficient heal for its cost, if you hit 3 people (and then +5% healing received afterwards)

5: Supercharged gas benefits (make sure to fire missile, and then press supercharge, as healing effects take almost 1 seconds to land)


While the 4 points you can spend to make it better might not be considered worth it, looking at the trees I do belive they are.


my rationale for why to get kolto residue: (For pvp spec we are assuming)

Look at our healing tree

You only need 1 point into critical reaction. 50% of all your crits give you 5% alacrity for 6 seconds. We should crit more than 2 times per 6 seconds (kolto missile or rapid shots alone will almost do this). I'd state thats pretty decent for a single point.

You probably do not need Heat Dampening

There isn't that much reason to get cure mind, as curing in this game can be rather difficult to notice who needs a cure, let alone if it is even curable (w/ or w/o cure mind)

So you get stuck with 3 points in either kolto residue or improved vents. is 8 extra heat every 2 minutes (at best) offset by kolto residue? I think it is.


From combat, the 5% isn't that much extra healing, but if you fire kolto missile off every 6-15 seconds, that is a perpetual 5% healing received on 3 targets. Since you can rotate through a group of 3 people every 6 seconds with kolto missile, that is upwards of 5% healing received on 6 different targets (I'm not saying this is easy, or even done often) If there was a 5% extra healing talent for 2 points, would you take that? We get 2% extra healing for 2 points (and a bonus 2% healing received on us).


The mando warheads a bit different though. You probably want the +9% aim (3 points), as well as 2% extra healing and 2% extra received healing (2 points). You want to spend 5 points in the base arsenal tree to get upgraded arsenal (+3% crit) and custom enviro suit (+2% end, +6% healing received). It is either the mando warheads or the +2% healing done. Or you can do both (i'm trying this at the moment, not sure what i think yet)


Though, in a fight, it is sometimes hard to land your kolto missile where people are, and the healing doesn't beat dps speced output. Try to shoot the missile pre-engagement if possible, and if you can spare the GCD before spamming the heals.

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the 5% isn't that much extra healing, but it adds up. I tend to use kolto missile a lot because:

1: It is instant cast. It isn't instant Heal though, darn missile travels slower than a snared Tauntaun.

2: enemies do not see a green healing ability over my head when i do it, so it is sneaky.

3: Healing on the go

4: It is an efficient heal for its cost, if you hit 3 people (and then +5% healing received afterwards)

5: Supercharged gas benefits (make sure to fire missile, and then press supercharge, as healing effects take almost 1 seconds to land)


While the 4 points you can spend to make it better might not be considered worth it, looking at the trees I do belive they are.


my rationale for why to get kolto residue: (For pvp spec we are assuming)

Look at our healing tree

You only need 1 point into critical reaction. 50% of all your crits give you 5% alacrity for 6 seconds. We should crit more than 2 times per 6 seconds (kolto missile or rapid shots alone will almost do this). I'd state thats pretty decent for a single point.

You probably do not need Heat Dampening

There isn't that much reason to get cure mind, as curing in this game can be rather difficult to notice who needs a cure, let alone if it is even curable (w/ or w/o cure mind)

So you get stuck with 3 points in either kolto residue or improved vents. is 8 extra heat every 2 minutes (at best) offset by kolto residue? I think it is.


From combat, the 5% isn't that much extra healing, but if you fire kolto missile off every 6-15 seconds, that is a perpetual 5% healing received on 3 targets. Since you can rotate through a group of 3 people every 6 seconds with kolto missile, that is upwards of 5% healing received on 6 different targets (I'm not saying this is easy, or even done often) If there was a 5% extra healing talent for 2 points, would you take that? We get 2% extra healing for 2 points (and a bonus 2% healing received on us).


The mando warheads a bit different though. You probably want the +9% aim (3 points), as well as 2% extra healing and 2% extra received healing (2 points). You want to spend 5 points in the base arsenal tree to get upgraded arsenal (+3% crit) and custom enviro suit (+2% end, +6% healing received). It is either the mando warheads or the +2% healing done. Or you can do both (i'm trying this at the moment, not sure what i think yet)


Though, in a fight, it is sometimes hard to land your kolto missile where people are, and the healing doesn't beat dps speced output. Try to shoot the missile pre-engagement if possible, and if you can spare the GCD before spamming the heals.


Thanks for this! Very helpful!


I tried to incorporate everything I've read in this thread, and put it together in some PvP last night. Lo-and-behold, in my second WZ, I hit 244k healing, a dramatic increase from what I had before! Then 217k after that. So a huge thank you to the Merc community for the help! :D

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