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The First Republic Army?


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Okay so i'm no knowledge and lore buff here but something has been bugging me and I'm hoping someone has an answer that is lore based and not a generic "balance" or "content" answer.


I'm pretty sure in Episode II: AotC that Palpatine declares his first act as the founding of the first republic army? If that's the case how are troopers in the republic in the old Republic?


Is this a lore clash between movies and games/books? Or am i missing something entirely here? I have not played much of the trooper storyline but there does seem to be a Republic Army founded and fighting.


Basically Was there an Army?

Where did it go between ToR and Ep I?

Why does Palpatine refer to the clones as the First Republic Army?




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The easiest answer is that this is a starwars game.


It needs to LOOK and FEEL like a starwars game or it isn't one. That means that nothing can look to crazy different from the movies, or it stops being what everyone wanted to play.


A better way of answering that question is saying that essentially new technology takes incredible lengths of time to develop due to how insane it already is so new tech doesn't show up often.


Another way to get through why armor and ships more or less look the same is that ship builders don't ever seem to go out of business. When you supply a galaxy it's pretty easy to get a contract. As such each manufacturer has a specific set of "ship templates" they use that are obvious and serve almost as advertising. In a huge galaxy you can't make a **** ton of different galaxies or people stop recognizing your brand so to speak.


I could go on, I find it fairly easy to justify these things with a bit of imagination.

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Military divisions, including armies, are often numbered by when they were created. Palpatine probably doesn't mean, "The first Republic army ever", but instead, "The founding of the Republic's 1st Army", as in a military unit rather than the first of something.


The 23rd Infantry Division isn't the 23rd Infantry Division in all of American history, it's an identification number.

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The Republic government was also completely overhauled after the Battle of Ruusan, to the point where the Republic of the prequels era is considered a separate entity from 'the Old Republic.' Hence Palpatine mentioning that the Republic had stood for a thousand years when the Old Republic had been around for around 25,000 years. The post-Ruusan Reformation Republic was around a thousand years old.


The Grand Army of the Republic was the first army of the Republic established after the Ruusan Reformations. In that thousand year period there were either no wars, or only small scale wars fought with local militias or mediated by Jedi rather than a galactic army.

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Aaaah i see makes more sense now. I think the first response kinda missed the point a little. I was not asking about stagnation in tech or things not changing but thanks for the reply anyway.


I'd go with the third response there though i had forgotten that Palatine said "stood for 1000 years" etc.

Makes a whole load more sense if you look at it from that perspective.


Cheers guys, mind at rest.

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