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Rules of the Jedi Temple


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I, Grand Master Satele Shan of the Jedi Order, would like to take the opportunity to remind all of our new Padawans of some of the important rules which help keep our Temple a civilised, orderly, safe, and happy place for all of us, teachers and students alike.


  1. No running or Force Leaping in the corridors.
  2. Please familiarise yourself with the location of all fire exits. If the fire alarm sounds, please proceed quickly and calmly to the nearest exit. Do not stop to pick up lightsabres.
  3. Please do not attempt to climb on the giant holocron in the vestibule, place traffic cones on top of it, or festoon it with articles of underclothing. Especially not articles taken from my chambers. If such incidents occur again, those responsible will be caught and punished in ways that will earn me at least 50 DS points.
  4. Flesh Raiders are not pets and should not be encouraged to hide in the dorm rooms of new Padawans.
  5. Any person caught graffiting slogans or designs on the Temple buildings or surrounds, political or otherwise, will be exiled to Hoth.
  6. Aspiring Jedi Knights are politely reminded not to teach their Astromech obscenities. T7 units have a colourful enough vocabulary without your help. Protests that "Master Orgus taught him that one" will not help you.
  7. Consular Jedi are further politely requested to desist from spreading loose gravel across the paths and lawns. Our groundskeeper has made several complaints.
  8. You are reminded that the Jedi Code proscribes the formation of undue and unwise personal romantic attachments. You are further reminded that this does include kissing behind the speeder sheds. I am looking at you, Miss Carsen.
  9. Following a number of regretable and juvenile incidents, I would like to take this opportunity to inform all Padawans that anyone caught in future attempting to surreptitiously replace a Jedi Knight's lightsabre with a can of Silly String or a party popper will find themselves transferred to continue their studies at the Sith Academy on Korriban. Overseer Harkun promises a fun-filled and exciting curriculum to all new transfer students, and at my special request has included a number of enthralling tours of the locale's fascinating archaeological sites, to delight and instruct any student who finds life here on Tython too staid and calm for their tastes.

Edited by RowanThursday
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