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Evanyell's Works


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You know what that last one reminds me of? The old 90s' Gargoyles. Probably the bright red skin, glowing eyes and fangs (all of which they had). Not that that is a bad thing in any sense, however.


(And this is probably an assinine question... but do you take requests or commisions? And if the later how much?)

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Thank you guys so much! Not half as good as most of the other amazing artists on here, but I do try. -Also lol! Kruven sorta does look like a gargoyle. My friend asked me to make him have glowing eyes while he channels the electricity all ferociously like. Figured I'd make him as ****** as possible. Purebloods generally are though- but I'm bias seeing as I play one myself. Haha.


I don't take requests right now because I don't have that much time on my hands these days, but I do occasionally take commissions. For that information send me a PM and I can get that info to you. :)


In any case I have some skimpier alien ladies and a handsome Enchani sith lord to share!







To watch my livestream on the last picture you can watch it here if you're interested.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Phew thank you! Yes I do take a sort of Anime-esq style to some of my work but it's kind of it's own thing too. *shrug* Ah well. Anyways I did a bunch more in terms of commissions lately, however some of them are a bit naughtier and not appropriate for the forums. So I'll put this lonely Sith here:





This form is dangerous..he might cut his head off.

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Haha. Luckily he doesnt twiddle with his saber when holding it like that. xD


Anyways I have another update. I've been busy but here is some more refined commissions and personal art I've done recently.







Dromund Kaas image I was going to use for a background, but I figured it was nice as a stand alone. I'm no where near as good with scenery as other artists on here are. One of these days I'm gonna watch more scenery tutorials.




And then my character, last but not least: my handsome Pureblood.



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Awww thank you! I'm glad you like my caje pic. He's a beautiful character and I enjoy playing him. He's my Sorc- I just wish the game had long hair!!! ;_; Bioware give us our beautiful long hair!! *sobs*


Anyways I just finished another commission tonight that I'm really proud of and had a lot of fun doing. Turned out fabulously beautiful. You can find more details on my DA.



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Awww thank you! I'm glad you like my caje pic. He's a beautiful character and I enjoy playing him. He's my Sorc- I just wish the game had long hair!!! ;_; Bioware give us our beautiful long hair!! *sobs*


Anyways I just finished another commission tonight that I'm really proud of and had a lot of fun doing. Turned out fabulously beautiful. You can find more details on my DA.




This is absolutely beautiful. Did the person who asked for the commission give any kind of background information you could share? I'd like to know their story.

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Yes actually. He was explaining the Cathar is his character and the smuggler is his friend's. I'm thinking this is a roleplay story or a short story of some sort, but basically the two from my understanding are good long term friends. During a project of them working on a ship together, there was an accident, she tripped and fell into his arms and the two of them had that... Sort of moment.


You know, that romantic moment where they realize each other for the first time and just how handsome/beautiful each other are with an accidental moment of brief intimate contact. :3 Something like that, anyways.


So I had a lot of fun working this out as I drew it. I watched a few romance movies to get into the mood >.>

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Uh, woop... I came up with both characters. 'Very small voice'


Many many Many thanks to Evanyell, and endorsements galore!


"My name is Shadow Quickpaw; and Evanyell is my favorite artist on the TOR forums!"


Oh well pfft. Thought it was a friend of yours. Your toons, you tell the story!


Also as a side note I finished coloring another piece I spent the rest of the night working on for another commissioner. This one is based off an earlier sketch commission I did. Then I used a game screenshot for the background.



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Also as a side note I finished coloring another piece I spent the rest of the night working on for another commissioner. This one is based off an earlier commission I did.


Ah hah! Is that a heromachine saber hilt I spy?! Muahahahahaha...


Oh, and excellent as always, Evanyell.

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Good to know! Thank you! :D


Annnd recently I just did two more Sith commissions:



Normally I dont do a lot of cell-art styled coloring, but every once in awhile it's fun to do for a change. Very anime-esq.



Then I finished this for a player on SWTOR-RP.com. Pretty pleased with how this came out.


Everything drawn was screenshot referenced or made up.

Edited by Evanyell
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