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Static world??


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Hi all.


Just got in yesterday, love the overall gameplay. But what i was a little suprised to see was that no npc's and no wildlife (of what little there is) are moving. It all felt so wafully static. I have only played a smuggler to lvl 8. So is this all around the game? Or is it just my starting area? Kind of miss both sound and wildlife and generaly more life to the world.


This is not a rant about the game, its just a thought on the imersion of the world.


Rest of the game is great.


Sorry for my english:)

Edited by Beelza
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Noticed this also!


No interaction with furniture, such as chair and seats.

Water interaction is barely there at all, Banjo Kazooie had better water ripples lol.

and as you were saying, things like animals just aren't there really.


kinda a bummer, but i guess these things will be added as they go!


Love the game!

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Yea I mentioned this on my post beta e-mail thing.


Could do with been in a major update (even if its just critters)


Though I don't think giving some quest givers/other npcs small patrol routes or maybe a console to interact with would be hard to do.

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Just here to put down my vote for this feature. Although I have to say, missing it from the start feels like its an engine restriction (or perhaps it would tax the servers too much?), and I really doubt things like this will get added in a patch/expansion.


For a patch, this seems way too big of an undertaking to do, and for an expansion, well just look at WoW, all their expansions have been to add new content and expand the level-cap, only in the last expansion they redesigned all the areas of the game, but this was with them sitting on a multimillion dolar product with 10 million customers.


Only thing we can hope for is that this game gets the same attention and number of subscribers. The more money we give to BioWare, the more likely it is they hire designers/programmers for these kind of "afterthoughts".

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It's already in the game now. Take tatooine for example. A group of NPCs get into an argument, one npc pulls out a gun and shoots someone. A few npcs then run off in a pack like they are trying to escape being arrested. A droid then goes over to the now dead npc and checks him out. They reset and do the same thing a few minutes later.


Sure it would be nice if this stuff happened everywhere, but it wasn't something ignored


* I should note this happens in Anchorhead, no clue if there is an Empire equivalent.

Edited by Dremola
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Hi all.


Just got in yesterday, love the overall gameplay. But what i was a little suprised to see was that no npc's and no wildlife (of what little there is) are moving. It all felt so wafully static. I have only played a smuggler to lvl 8. So is this all around the game? Or is it just my starting area? Kind of miss both sound and wildlife and generaly more life to the world.


This is not a rant about the game, its just a thought on the imersion of the world.


Rest of the game is great.


My english rocks! :)


I completely agree. As other people have stated, this was a big complaint about the beta. Given BW's track record on listening to the community and solving issues, I would imagine that they will look into this and hopefully resolve it in the near future.

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