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Marauder - What is the best build for solo play?


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Yeah, i always liked being able to choke enemies in KOTOR, haha. So lemme know what its like Shatter.


Thanks everyone for your response, tough call between annihilation and carnage. Bleed effect sounds like its not very effective, but i like the idea of self heals. Medipacks don't do the trick, that 90 second cooldown kills. I like the idea of faster paced and more damage, so i guess ill test out carnage and see how that fits my play style.


Ill look around for some builds for carnage. Lemme know what your favorite builds are if you wish, it would help out, especially one's that are optimized for solo play.


Thanks guys!


OK, ignoring the last page and a half of TROLL! and NOU!, do you suppose we could get back on subject? Sheesh.


@Squal: I swapped my Mara over to Rage spec, and I have to say I enjoy it very much. Having two jumps (force charge and obliterate) is nice, and seeing the big yellow numbers from smash after a force choke is awesome. I have spent a couple points outside the tree in advance, as I took quick recovery to lower the cool down and cost of smash/sweeping slash. It's a pity the default CD on choke is 1 minute. :(

One of the biggest differences I have seen between the three tress, is carnage requires the 31pt skill to make the tree work, where it just makes the tree work better for the other two. Keep that in mind while you decide what to use. Early re-specs are fairly cheap, there is little reason not to try them all :)


As for the dual wield mastery arguement: DWM is something you take later, when you get get +acc gear that make the offhand hit more often. Usually you don't start seeing gear and enhancements with +acc until the early 30's or so.

Initially with my toon, I did go after DWM and DF early, instead of just going after Deadly Saber straight. In my early 20's I re-specced to get DS, and realized how I had gimped myself until that point. So please take it from somebody who did it, DS > DWM.

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