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Marauder/Heavy Armor-Why Not?


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This question was posed more than a few times during beta, and was never answered by a dev. I have never really understood why Marauders were not given heavy armor. Anyone else want to speculate on why not? The typical response is because we are a DPS class. So is merc and commando. Hell, merc and commando even get a hybrid dps/healing spec thrown in. Whenever I brought this up during testing, soem folks would answer "its only a 5% armor difference". So? I'll take the extra 5% armor then. Any thoughts?
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To me, armor class division in MMOs is generally about balance. In SWTOR, 3 classes use Heavy, 3 use Medium, and 2 use Light. Switching Marauders to Heavy would create an odd 4-2-2 situation, which spills over into Operation/Flashpoint drop ratios.


Beyond that, Marauders already have damn good survivability later on, so, to me, it's pretty unnecessary.

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Give me force pull or push and I am happy. Yes i know, "y wud u want push ur r melee lulz." Well, same reason juggs have it, resets force charge cd, gives some environmental utility, a little bit of cc etc. Jugg is a tank, why does he want to knock back, hell, even assassins have one, where mine at?
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