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Lack of Companion Missions


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I can't speak for all the classes but as an imperial agent I find there are barely any companion mission. I have everybody at 10k affection except SCORPIO and Vector (they are at around 8.5k) The only companion missions I have had were the 2 with Kaliyo.

Then as I went on and was talking to my companions they are saying things that sounds like it will lead into a mission but then they just say they will handle it and it goes to darkness and then you see them come back. A couple examples


When doctor lokin goes to his safehouse in tatooine to investigate the break in



When doctor lokin goes to this corporation and basically takes it over



When SCORPIO goes to this power plant or something and tries to upgrade her self



When Vector goes to complete the treaty with the kiliks and the empire



When Ensign learns that the empire found out about her father and she has to go kill him so that he doesn't tell them anything about her


These are just a couple examples. The IA is the only class I have leveled to 50 but I also find on all the my other characters that the intro companions get 2 or 3 missions and then none of my other companions get missions even though they have just as much stuff happening in their personal story as the into character.

Does anybody know if this is just an IA thing or if this is the case across all the classes?

If it is then they really missed an opportunity to have us running through random planets to do these companion missions. I am pretty sure most of us would run for 15 min just to go through a 10 min mission with 2 min of cinematic because the game makes us care so much about our companions.

The whole blackout and come back thing really leaves me feeling like I just missed out on something and it doesn't feel good.

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for every class, only the original companion will actually give you quests, otherwise they just have fade to blacks for when the companion does something. i hope that changes in any expanions, cause while i got hooked on the mako storyline and enjoyed kaliyo's stuff, i didnt get around to doing corso's crud until i was 50 and would rather go needlessly slaughter stuff on some forceforsaken planet with skadge on any day. on the other hand, more companion quests would mean i might have feel obliged to raise even torian bloody caldera's affection up from negative 80, so don't want to go too all out on companion quests for every companion.
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