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Shadow levelling spec, possibly kenetic tree


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So to keep it breif and short, i´ll just get right to the point...


I´m about to get advanced class today when i get home from work and i´d be looking to spec into shadow and possibly level as kenetic combat because i want to try it out and be able to tank instances when they reach my level.


So i am looking for the best build that could work out to level with or just if anyone which is more "experienced" in this area could just take a quick look at those two builds i´ve found and see if anyone would suits my needs or if i should go with something else!



Build suggestion 1: 31/0/10



Build suggestion 2: More hybrid like 23/0/18




Would anyone of these two work or do any of you recommend any other build?

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You just need kinetic ward. Then I'll assume that the 31 kinetic tree will offer a little more mitigation as the cost of balances utility. I haven't respec'd but I'll assume based on what people have said that it's pretty cheap, so I personally plan on trying things out. I suggest you do the same.


I speculate that 31 in kinetic will be standard when just starting out at 50, and once a lot more gear is acquired more will move to the utility of the heavier balance.


The damage while leveling kinetic isn't too bad, particle acceleration + upheaval is pretty satisfying. Before 20 probably woulda been better to go infiltration.



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Go infiltration. you wont regret it.

I leveled up to 21 as kinetic, changed up to infiltration halfway through 21 and am loving the dps I can pump out. making leveling much easier.


Infiltration is a DPS spec, and a darn good one. Love that stealth.


But it cannot tank. And I think he wanted a tank spec.

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I think that 23/0/18 is a much nicer levelling build, especially if you are on a PvP server, due to the extra utility and range pulling. It should work very comfortably in FPs as well.


I would also consider a 27/0/14 build as an alternative if you want to pick up the buffs to Telekinetic Throw instead of Force Lift/Mind Crush, as they are pretty tempting and delicious.

Edited by Alratan
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I am leveling with balance tree:




I tried Infiltration and kinetic combat at beta.. If you have good companion for dmg then kinetic combat is right chooice... if you are doing a lot of PvP then infiltration is best.. but for pure PvE - balance tree has the best dmg of these 3 by my opinion.. Note that i tried them all up to lvl 20, not further


EDIT: Infiltration is very good dps tree but its better for pvP. Balance is more pvE focused. But i tried PvP with both and at lvl 20 and balance has better dmg so far.. because you dont need that much upgraded stealth.. and you get vanish and blackout regardless of tree you choose

Edited by Ostricker
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