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Ok im a level 29 Commando trooper, and i was one of the guys guilty of GR spamming :D

My build was http://db.darthhater.com/skill_calc/trooper/commando/#::ef2ef3e4f2de2fe2f40 and i did realy well with it, usualy top three for damage and kills.

But it was all from range and i felt a little out of touch with the action, also if even a single melee tageted me i just melted.


So i changed to this http://db.darthhater.com/skill_calc/trooper/commando/#::f43ef2e2df2efe2fe2f i do far better vs melee purely because im able to kite however other ranged classes now melt me lol, and healers can easily heal through my damage.


My question to the experienced troopers is this, is it possible to find a happy medium with troopers. Where i can DPS and still have survivability.

Im not expecting to have the best DPS in game and the best survivability, but it would be nice to find a spec where i stand a descent chance vs melee and also vs ranged.

I have never played a healing class so i havent got a clue about talents relating to them.... would a gunnery/CM or AS/CM hybrid be what im looking for?

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Stick with gunnery specially at your level. I would definately not recoomend any attempt at a hybrid spec at 29 you don't have the points for it.


Go back to Gunnery make sure to take concusive force and use it often. When a melee leaps in stop ur cast fire off one of the cooldowns when they jump back in fire off the other. Once that is over if they are still alive hit your shield cool down or cyro grenade them. Keep poping cool downs.


You'll be fine likely this is a combination of you needing more practice and the fact that there are wide desparities while playing in the leveling bracket becuase of gear and talent points available to higher lvl players.


As to your comment about being out of touch with the action...not sure what to tell you man your ranged. You do not belong in the "thick" of it. You belong out on the edge preferably next to a pillar so you can LoS other range. You wear heavy armour but that means nothing in this game. Aside from your cool downs you are a squishy High DPS walking cannon. A good pvp melee will always target you. So don't worry about being in the "thick" of it. If your doing your job the "thick" will come to you...just don't make it easy on them when they do :)

Edited by zacger
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Im just used to playing melee, thats what i mean about being in the thick of it.


With Gunnery i absolutely rock in Hutball, but then who wouldn't with two KB's on very short CD's? It isn't at all strange to go a full game without dying.


However even a level 10 marauder tears me apart in the other two maps, even with the knockbacks i just cant keep them off me, they win 9-10 times. Against assassins and IA's im dead even quicker.

At least in AS i can kite on these two maps, even though my DPS is low i can wear them down but if any other ranged catches me where i cant LOS im toast thats why i was asking about hybrids, i was hoping there would be a build where i could heal through some of a ranged burst while slowly whittling away at their HP.

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