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Razer Nostromo Profile / Key setup


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  • 3 weeks later...

I have a 5 button Razer mouse to my setup is very similar. Being Sentinel I need a whole bunch of moves and too many to map to individual buttons.


I configured 1-10 on Nostromo as 1-10 on KB, I configured the convenient thumb button to SHIFT so I could access Shoft 1-10 very easily.


I set up 11 & 12 as - = keys to account for the rest of the lower tool bar.


I then have all of my buffs, set to CTRL Q, W, E, R on the KB and made a macro to do all of those at once followed by an emote using the Nostromo software. I mapped this to the wheel button on Nostromo. I then used the remaining keys on the lower part of Nostromo to do my Stealth,Tab and Mumble Talk. I left Space bar to be space bar for Jump.


Since I'm used to strafing, I needed to add that functionalilty to the Nostromo so I made the directional pad my strafe left and right movements.. Since the directions are hard to hit exactly, I set up upper left, left and lower left to strafe left, and the same for the right so I do not have to be that precise.


My mouse wheel up does a saber throw debuff, and my wheel down does a saber throw to slow. (On Nostromo).


All of the UI windows I still activate with keyboard like Crew Skills, Map and Quest log.


I have some moves set to my mouse that you can't do since I have a Death Adder 5 button BUT keep in mind that with SHIFT so easy to hit, you can also map Shift Mouse Wheel up, down, button and many other combinations.


I hope that helps.


I have tried 4 or 5 other setups but this seems to be the best for me with Sentinel.. Give it a week before getting discouraged, the muscle memory will develop. Also, you will be making CONSTANT changes to improve the setup to your needs. After every warzone I'm going back to swap moves out to try different combinations.

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  • 1 month later...
I configured 1-10 on Nostromo as 1-10 on KB, I configured the convenient thumb button to SHIFT so I could access Shoft 1-10 very easily.


You just helped me out a ton!! I use the Naga and the nostromo and just realized that i have not been using my back/forward button on mouse for shift and control...I have those mapped to my nostromo, i can now unbind those on the nostromo...


For the nostromo, I use my first key map as a questing map...pull up map, character, inventory, crew skils etc...i use the button just above the thumb stick as a link directly to the next key map (red one)...This keymap is my combat keymap...jump, tab, strafe L and R (use them as the 3 and 4 key since its my homerow), target self, target party member 1-4 (this is for healing), and on the bottom, i added a macro to type a quick message...example is my bottom left macro is enter(to start chat box) then it types out "follow me" then enter so I do not have to take my hands off the nostromo during battle in PUG (it is important when doing this macro to add a delay of about .003 between each press and release so u dont get a whole bunch of buttons pushed at the same time but still typing very fast)...I also have "lead the way" as another one...will add more later


For fun I set a thrid keymap as a social keymap...these macros are quick social abilities like flirt, intimidate, wave, bow, salute...There is literally so much you can do!!

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  • 1 month later...
I broke my hand at work so im wondering if you can bind your right and left click mouse options to the nostromo keypad , thanks for any feedback


I don't know about the Nostromo, but i know that with the Logitech G13 you can assign mouse buttons 1-5 (or double left click) to any of the normal keys (and assign the joystick as a mouse if needed)...

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i run the nostromo and naga sooo many butons mmmmmm.


Agreed... althoguh i use the G13, with its 3 profile pages... *shudders*, hell, i have Control and Shift bound on the G13, as quick modifiers for the Naga AND because I changed the binds in SWTOR to combinations of what i could get way with on the G13... *shudders*


bind G1 to "1"

Bind G2 to "2"

Bind thumb button 1 to "Shift"

Bind Thumb button 2 to "Control"


Change keybinds in SWTOR to use combinations of that and the Naga in Numpad mode... LOTS OF KEYS TO PLAY WITH!

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  • 2 months later...
I just got my nostromo a couple days ago, and got a Logitech g600 mouse to replace my naga. i bound my alt+keys to the nos, and my normal bar 1's to the g600. plus the ring finger button on the mouse if my push to talk for vent/mumble. basically, right hand is for smacking/left hand is for healing. works like a champ so far. I'm sure I'll tweak it as i go, but for now it's the ish! :D
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  • 1 month later...

Here is how i have my ui setup, the pic is old, but the basic layout is the same.


And my Nostromo setup.


I use the D-Pad for movement, i bump #15 with my thumb for autorun, i hit #16 for F, cover on my smuggler/bound to companion attack on my sage

i use #5 for jump, #10 for ctrl(my PTT in mumble)

1-4/6-9/11/14 are 1 to 1 bound to the center quickslots, my primary powers, the right quickslots are just bound to my numpad and unrelated, and the left ones i just click.

It works amazingly well once you get used to the dpad movement.

Edited by Bobcatben
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