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Petition to make RuQu the unofficial administrator of this section


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And also to rename him "RuQu the Guru". This is just so we're all clear who's the ultimate authority.


While I acknowledge RuQu is an authority on these boards, I would say that others have also made a dramatic difference in bringing enlightenment to the Healing forums. Bobudo, for example, comes to mind. He was one of the key people, if not the most knowledgeable, that started informative discussions about Op/Scoundrel healing, and was one of the biggest collaborators for RuQu's Thread of Awesome.

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While I acknowledge RuQu is an authority on these boards, I would say that others have also made a dramatic difference in bringing enlightenment to the Healing forums. Bobudo, for example, comes to mind. He was one of the key people, if not the most knowledgeable, that started informative discussions about Op/Scoundrel healing, and was one of the biggest collaborators for RuQu's Thread of Awesome.


What do you think the position of "Vice Executive Unofficial Grand Duke of all sub-matters regarding IA and Smuggler Questions and Inquisitions" is for?


As an aside, what kind of title would you like? I've got plenty laying around here.

Edited by Mirdthestrill
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Amusingly, I almost missed this thread as it was near the bottom of the page the first time I saw it.


As Zellandine pointed out, this particular subforum is as constructive as it is through the contributions of a lot of people. Zellandine's posts are always good, bobudo, while currently a bit discouraged and unsubbed, has contributed greatly, your own cross-class ability guide is stickied. Prophetic's posts are usually constructive and helpful, if we ignore the day of the Q&A when I think think most people were in a rage and deserve a bit of a pass. psymumm, Paladinium, Donnadarco, Milco, there is a whole long list of people who don't post quite as obsessively as bobudo and me, but who generally post thought out, reasonable, constructive posts that in general create a positive forum community where we can bring up real concerns without drowning in a sea of tears, and band together to fight off trolls as needed.


What I would like to see, though, is a community karma system of some sort. Doesn't need to have any real risk/reward, just a value people can see. Negative numbers warn you of trolls, near zero suggests someone new or fairly quiet, and a high ranking suggests someone makes good posts and contributes well. I've spent a good deal of time on forums in the past that had such systems, some where only the moderators could up or down vote someone, some where the community could, and I've always valued such tools. A reputation is an important part of a person's place in a community, and a system to track that puts a consequence on people's behavior. I'd posit that my own tendency towards trying to maintain constructive forum discourse is largely because my early days on the internet were all spent on such forums, with systems in place that acknowledged and reinforced proper behavior.

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And also to rename him "RuQu the Guru". This is just so we're all clear who's the ultimate authority.


For the sake of clarity, it should be pointed out that it is possible for me to be wrong.


I even admitted it around here somewhere...

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Prophetic's posts are usually constructive and helpful, if we ignore the day of the Q&A when I think most people were in a rage and deserve a bit of a pass.



Haha, yeah, I was in a bit of a mood that day. My guild leader even commented on it in a kind of humorous way, ‘cause he knows that I’m usually pretty even-tempered. Woman scorned and all that, I guess. I've mostly edited out the rage from those posts, 'cause it wasn't helpful. :p


Anywho, I agree. I kind of like having this little oasis of relatively hate/troll/flame/attack free-ness in a forum that's typically frothing at the mouth with BW hate, nerf calls, and just generally awful behavior. I mean, it's not terrible compared to some other forums, but it's still a little disheartening. Especially when I see people that are relatively new trying to make a suggestion here or there, only to get thrown to the wolves within the first few seconds of a thread being up. It's not a really good way to foster a community, so I'm happy for what we have at least.


What I would like to see, though, is a community karma system of some sort --snip-- I'd posit that my own tendency towards trying to maintain constructive forum discourse is largely because my early days on the internet were all spent on such forums, with systems in place that acknowledged and reinforced proper behavior.


Something like this would be pretty useful, I think, especially for the ones that don't frequent the forums as much. I know when I'm visiting other forums for information, if they have a rep system, I usually expect people who have high rep to be more informed and helpful about the subject I'm interested in. When coupled with a post count, it's good to see who's been more constructive and active over long periods of time.


At least we have a thread rating system (which most people don't use), even if it’s pretty limited and doesn't really give you any info about the people actually posting in the thread.

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I don't see anything wrong with acknowledging how much of an asset RuQu is to the healer community and showing appreciation. I'm sure it's nice for him to hear that people actually read, understand, and enjoy his work and what he's done for us.


Haha, saying that, though, I do think threads like this are a tad over the top. :p

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I don't see anything wrong with acknowledging how much of an asset RuQu is to the healer community and showing appreciation. I'm sure it's nice for him to hear that people actually read, understand, and enjoy his work and what he's done for us.


Haha, saying that, though, I do think threads like this are a tad over the top. :p


It's nice to know people are reading and benefiting from any work I do (better yet if they catch mistakes and point them out!), and compliments are always nice.


Ideally any such comments would go in the relevant thread, a PM, or the guide sticky if nowhere else seems appropriate


That said, threads like this can be a bit on the embarrassing side...so I was kind of hoping it would die quietly and fall off the front page...

Edited by RuQu
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