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Questions about sentinel


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SWTOR is the first MMORPG I've ever played, so please go easy on me. I have played both KOTOR 1 & 2 though :)


I am a level 31 Sentinel, I have most skill tree points dedicated to combat, with a couple on focus. I am not logged into the game right now, so I can't give exact numbers, but I'm positive I know my stats with a margin of error of about 10 points. My strength stat is around 520, my endurance is somewhere relatively near that (I have about 6400 health points, which I know is tied into endurance stat), all other stats are below 100. My primary weapon deals roughly 277-300 damage, offhand weapon 77-98 damage, I have a damage bonus stat of 133. My critical is around 17.1%, my armor is 1680...thats all the stats I can remember off the top of my head.


I am wondering if I need more willpower? My willpower is in the 80's I think.


Also, I do always upgrade my gear as I level, all of my gear is either for level 30-31.


My problem is that when I'm questing, I have a hard time with elites. Most of the time when I face one elite who is same level as me....I defeat the elite, but my health is 65%-90% depleted by the end of the fight. If I'm facing two or more elites, I'm very lucky to make it out alive, and when I do - usually stims and medpacs are involved.


I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions to improve my fights, or maybe someone sees something horribly wrong with my stats. Any help would be appreciated, thanks :)

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Ok, first off no,


Primary stats are the only ones that matter. Strength and endurance is what you need.


after that , depending on what tree and how you play, you will need to invest in equipment increasing either power, crit surge or accuracy...


Wisdom would factor if this wasa typical RPG that stats mattered when making quest decisions, in this MMO, all choices are viable and affect your overall quest outcome, stats arent factored.


So stack strengh and endurance, i stack surge and crit and power as well.


I have a lvl 48 Sentinel.

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For Power, Surge, and Crit:


Power does +damage to all normal, regular attacks, i.e. it works all the time.


Crit affects the % chance you will do a critical hit (which does a lot more damage than a regular hit).


Surge affects the amount of damage a Crit does.


If you are trying to do lots of crits, then you want to stack Crit. If you are trying to do lots of normal damage (who cares about critting), then you want Power. If you want your crits, when they happen, to hit REALLY hard, you want Surge.


Personally I prefer Power and Surge over Crit. However, I think the devs have balanced things fairly well in that whichever one of these you stack will probably work OK.


Also, it's VERY hard to stack exactly what you want in the early levels. Even at 41, there just aren't always the +surge or +power items available, and sometimes I end up stacking crit because I have no other choice. So this is more, "Given the choice, I go Power = Surge > Crit", but I am not going to give up a piece of juicy armor that gives me huge Str bonuses or something just because it stacks crit.


While you are leveling I think this is less of an issue than at endgame (though I have not gotten to endgame yet). Also, if you do mostly PVE, it's a non-issue. You can play the entire game with quest drops that you blindly slot into your character as soon as you get them and never really have a problem leveling.

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After the Surge diminishing returns came into effect crit lost some of its importance but you will still need a good amount of both crit and surge to ensure good dps in raids. stacking one stat won't do much good since the rest are hindered so do your best to find a balance.


I have a lvl 50 sentinel and what i have done is stacked lots of power and strength to bring my damage up. i have about 27% chance to crit without buffs and a 75% crit multiplier. my unbuffed top end damage with the rakata main hand from HM KP is about 863.


My suggestions for end game content is to keep your Crit multiplyer between 70 and 75%, crit chance between 25% and 30% and then stack as much power and strength as you can.


Be aware that:

1 Strength = 0.2 damage and a very small amount of crit chance

1 Power = 0.23 damage


Also, make sure your endurance is high enough for end game content. you should have 17500 at the minimum for nightmare mode to be able to endure the high damage from fights. as you build your gear you will get to this point.


Last tip, make sure you go out and get all the strength, endurance, and will power datacrons, especially the one in the fleet.

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