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Best Friends...FOREVER!


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So, I had to head back to Tatt for a companion mission, I was about lvl 41, as I'm running through the space port, I get a whisper, asking for help. I was in a generous mood, so I said I would.


It was The Thing Czerka Found mish, I knew it wasn't easy, so, I was glad to help. I meet up with this 'kid' and we do the mission. Afterwards, I say about having a pop at the World Boss, which we both die on, lol.


Then, the next day, I log in and I get a whisper. 'Hiya...how's it going?'


Well, I had just logged in, I don't know yet. I reply, just saying Hello...then I get more, and more, and more whispers. Asking for more help. Gratz on levelling. And what not.


Look, I just helped you once! OK? That was it, we're not BFF now!


Any one else had this? Or is it just my luck? :D

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LOL, not yet in this game, but yes it has happened to me more than once.


Hasn't completely stopped me from helping periodically, but I'm always thinking about that possibility. Good news for you though, eventually they latch onto someone else once you keep saying no i'm sorry, can't help you right now. Sadly, that makes them someone else's problem.



These are the same types of people to whom you give tips to help them when you're not around, but they would rather someone else just do stuff for them. They never change. I don't get it, it seems way way way easier to do it yourself then pester others into helping you. :confused:

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Not in this game, but in WoW it did a couple of times. One guy would bombard me with tells asking for help with various things and asking for gold. A different guy just got way too personal way too fast - asking for advice with his real life girlfriend, etc.


The first guy I tried to be mature about and I told him he needs to work for things himself, yadda and that I couldn't always do everything he wanted me to, yadda yadda. He called me names and then ignored me.


The second guy I just didn't know what to do. I didn't want to hurt his feelings but I didn't want to log in and play the therapist class either, so I stopped logging in to that character.


So um.. good luck!

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Ow yes those kinda people that think because you're a high lvl you're so willing to drop all your stuff what you're doing right now to help him and talk to him just because you was so friendly enough to help them once.


To those sticky ones : Just because someone was friendly enough to help you once does not mean you must throw your grappling hooks into them and "stalk" them everytime they log or when you need help.

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These are the same types of people to whom you give tips to help them when you're not around, but they would rather someone else just do stuff for them.


This so true!


When I said I would help, I told him I would do his healing, but he has to do all the fighting, seemed fair. But 8 times out of 10, I had to start the combat.


I didn't say, but it's been 3 days of it now. I'm going to be polite about it, since I'm not a nasty person by nature, but I'm hoping he'll find someone else.


Oh, and when I logged in today, just to send some companions out for crafting, I got a Group invite as soon as I logged in! :|

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:( sorry to hear that. I completely understand being polite about it. Same here. One kid (99% certain it was a kid) in WoW it took me about a month before he gave up whispering me all the time. Others will put them on ignore. It's probably good advice, but something I just can't do. Besides, the last time I did put someone on ignore, they made several alts to keep asking me why. Then I had to get a GM to intervene. :/


Anyway, good luck to you! Eventually the pestering will stop if you choose to remain passive like me lol.

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