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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Need Assassin build advice for a guildie!


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We need him to be able to put out better DPS and be able to survive. He's currently putting most of his points in the madness tree, but to me I don't even understand why this is a shared tree with only 10m range and no affliction.


He's the only sin in our guild and we can't really give him any good advice, but what do you guys recommend for a solid hardmode FP setup?

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I tried Madness and thought it handled kind of awkwardly, and found that either I tended to miss when DOTs were dropping off because I was looking for procs, or missed my procs because I was looking at the DOTs. And I know I'm not the only one. So Madness might not be the best tree for him if he's having similar issues.


My guildmate, however, raves about her Deception build. I believe it looks something like this:




Aside from talents, how is he geared? If he's running HMs and ops in greens and blues, well...he's gonna suck. Ensure he's dressed in orange gear, and have him run Ilum and Belsavis dailies until said gear is decked out in purple armoring, mods, enhancements, hilt, etc. Have a guildmate make him some epic implants / earpiece / focus.


Moreover, make sure he's going for the right stats. Willpower, crit, and surge are a DPS assassin's go-to stats. Power kinda sucks, and alacrity sucks harder.


As for gameplay...he'll need to stay behind his target, first off, because Maul only works from behind. Besides that, I believe the priority system - not rotation, priority system - would be something like:


Discharge > Assassinate (if target is 30% health or lower) > Maul (if Duplicity procs) > Shock (if two stacks of Voltaic Slash debuff is up) > Voltaic Slash > Saber Strike.


I wouldn't swear to that exactly, as maybe Assassinate and duplicity proc Mauls do more than Discharge, or maybe a Voltaic Slash-empowered Shock does the most. Point is, you wanna prioritize your most damaging attacks, and make sure you're setting those attacks up.


If he's getting killed a lot...is it because he's an aggro magnet? Have the tank guard him, if that's the case, unless your healer is a real aggro magnet too. He can also use Blackout or Force Cloak to drop aggro, or Deflection or Force Shroud to keep himself alive longer. If it's because he's standing in AoEs, then he needs to pay attention. If it's because he's just generally squishy, then your tank needs to be a bit more on-the-ball.

Edited by Yuyuske
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