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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Nerf Fun its OP


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So what exactly are you grinding this pvp gear for? Putting yourself through the untold horrors of warzones for what? To get gear to do world pvp? Doubt it. To achieve battlemaster so you can grind ever so slightly superior gear?


The people who say they are grinding wzs, really what are you trying to get for your grind? If you don't enjoy the 'grind' of warzones you won't enjoy anything that this 'grind' ultimately rewards you. Suggest you play another game.


They do it to inflate the ego and use fancy quotes like "U mad brah", and an all time favorite "LOL Baddie". Either or battlemaster has no weight in this game and those that have it dont have that much of an edge over someone in champ. -- Either way fun should be nerfed, along with every class ability that makes said class more fun to play. In addition all classes that I don't play should be nerfed into oblivion so that I can bash them with ease and farm more medals for PURPLES!!!! Why else would anyone pvp ..--- what I get from a lot of the posts pertaining to pvp not being fun just constant complaints for instant gratification. Although people just geting bored of the same three warzones wanting additional content are those I couldn't argue against, since the reasons are somewhat justified.

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