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Wisdom and Disturb Mind Question


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Two questions as I continue to level my Sage here. I was planning on a Telekinetics/Balance hybrid but now I'm going to go straight up Balance. While it may be a while off still, I'm looking at two talents and have two questions:


1) Does Wisdom (Seer tree), increase the amount of self-healing you do through your DOTs?


2) What is the benefit of Disturb Mind (Telekinetics tree)? It obviously increases the duration of Weaken Mind which is one of the most important Balance skills. But does that also increase the damage or is it just taking further spreading the damage out? I would think you would want the DOT from Weaken Mind to tick faster than not?

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On #2. Weaken Mind does a set damage per tick, and Disturb Mind gives you extra ticks. They don't tick faster nor do they tick weaker. You get more damage (not really more dps from Weaken Mind) from a single cast. This frees time to cast additional damage dealing spells, indirectly increasing your dps since you spend less time reapplying the DOT.
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