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Sentinal Thoughts


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I've played a Jedi Sentinal in Beta & now in Live. I've also played other Jedi as well, though currently only a Sentinal to 50. I've tried the Watchman tree & Combat tree both. I didn't care for the watchman tree mainly because I wanted to avoid the DOT damage aspect. I wanted just pure damage output per hit.


So I mainly have gone with the Combat tree & lvl'd up in LIve 1-50 pure Combat. I love it. However I do feel the dps is a little low in comparisson to some other classes. As far as Watchman Spec, thus far based on my guilds other Sentinals who are currently all Watchman I see to as far as I can see out DPS them.


Mainly I'm gauging this by the 4th fight in EV as everyone has their own boss NPC to fight & if I'm not screwing around I'm usually the first Sentinal to finish. But truely without a combat log and/or damage meter people can argue all they want & there is just no proof yet one way or another. Hopefully those will be added soon.


Next thing is the combat tree abilities & animations. Combat Tree & the Sentinal's ability with dual weilding lightsabers to me screams sword master extreme. The scene from the Wolverine movie with Ryan Renolds character Deadpool flinging his swords around deflecting bullets & slicing & dicing them & the guards. That to me is what a Combat Sentinal should be all about.


To an extent we are, our base attacks minimally do this. But that's where it ends. The ability Blade Storm, when I saw this name I was like thinking to myself, "sweet" and picturing that scene above. Then you read the discription & you're like um ok. Not until you actually see it are you seriously disappointed, at least I was. Come on *** kind of attack it that? It should be call Force Blast or something not Blade Storm. The other abilities are the same.


So I'm just asking BW please adjust the abilities & animations & make them more appealing & applicable to the spec. Again when I picture a Dual Weilding Jedi who's combat Spec'd he's supposed to be the badest of the bad when it comes to Lightsaber Technique. Lightsabers whirling around in fast & furious deadly motions reading to slice through his/her opponites.



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