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Ranged classes strafing in a circle around you....


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I've been having issues when ranged classes just strafe around me in a circle spamming instant attacks. Unless I can land a crippling slash its very difficult for me to line them up.


Is there some trick I'm missing? Is landing crippling slash how others deal with that? Or just a matter of me improving my control?

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It's a control issue tbh. With practice, YOU should become the pain-in-the-*** strafer spamming instants. Just part of learning to be a melee class. You can mitigate a lot of damage by trying to stay behind ppl too, so that they can't face you to get their instants off. It's not easy at first, but if you practice it will pay off!
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As a powertech that runs circles around who I am attacking I know that the whole reason that I do it is to make it as hard as possible for people to hit me. As far as making it easier for you to hit them there are a few things that I would recomend. 1) Try not to stand still. If you are just standing still and A keying or D keying all that you are doing is spinning on the spot and making yourself and easier target. 2) Make sure that you are using right mouse click to look around and turn your character, it will allow you to turn much faster and focus more attacks on the person running around you. 3) This is the most important. LOS when going up against a ranged make sure that you are breaking Line of Sight as much as possible. This is good for a few reasons, it can interupt their attacks on you, forces them to get close and helps you predict which direction they will be attacking from. Other then that there is nothing else I can think of off the top of my head.


Hope this helps and goodluck

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