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When wow first started....


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I've been perusing the forums and there is seemingly alot of people having a sook over several aspects of the game comparing it to other MMO's (notably WoW) and complaining that the game lacks certain features or content they they would normally be expecting.


All i have to say is; the game has just been released. Keep in mind that other MMO's have been going now for several years (WoW has been going for 8 years). That's 8 years of expansions and refining.


If anyone here ever played WoW when it was first released it was a pretty basic MMO. PvP was non existent (beyond that of ganking people while they quested and the only end game content available was Molten Core.


To even progress anywhere was about 10 times harder than it is now, blue gear was actually rare and to have purples really was actually epic - that only the best players, literally "the crazy" best had - now everyone gets epics.


To those who complain about having to walk 10 meters over the same path as before to complete a quest... I laugh at you (have you even played a mmo...). Back when wow was actually a hard game it was an epic grind to get anywhere and yes you had to travel for miles (over the same country) on foot (without speed buffs). Cause you were too poor to afford a mount for 20gold (cause even 1 gold took till level 40 to get). Take the Barrens (if you played horde) for instance, they were literally "Barren" and one zone not two - And you were stuck there - for 30 levels - which took literally weeks to grind through.


Every quest beyond the main line was a filler quest and pretty boring too ie (collect 30 scalps (that had a drop rate of like (0.01%) or kill 20 tigers.


To get even a taste of the end game you had to complete the epic grind of collecting the very rare and hard to obtain blue and purple gear to make a tanking set and on top of that to even play in molten core your raid of 40 people had to do the epic marathon grind for the Fire Resist gear through BWL and UBRS (which was 10x harder than it is now and they were 5 man only instances).


People who have been playing WoW (mostly those who have jumped on the success bandwagon in post years beyond release) have been very spoilt with all the game content, x packs and refinement that has been released over the last 8 years and expect SWTOR to meet that expectation. if anything the only gripe is that MMO's these days are soft compared to the epic boring grind of those of yesteryear

Edited by Scopeds
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All i have to say is; the game has just been released. Keep in mind that other MMO's have been going now for several years (WoW has been going for 8 years). That's 8 years of expansions and refining.



Oh look, this topic again.



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Its just that people aren't willing to wait years for a game to be refined these days, hell, most arent willing to wait more than a couple of months.


Way back when you had a lot more slack, you dont have anything like it anymore, which makes it very tough for other game companies to break into the market, or more noticeably to stay there.


As we can see now from the massive drops, constant complaints by hoards of players, forum rage etc. You have to get it right, either right out of the gate, or extremely fast afterwards.


It just seems BW are moving at their own pace, and if so, they'll learn a stinging lesson thats been thought to many a game company in recent years.

Edited by muzzle_flash
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Greetings everyone,


We understand that it is common to compare the Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ launch to other launches, and that there are many players who wish to take part in this discussion. You will find this conversation is already in progress in, "This game is TWO MONTHS OLD," so we encourage you to post your thoughts there.


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