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Class and server decisions!


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Hey everyone!


I'm just starting swtor and I'd like to ask for everybody's opinion on a few things!


First, I've been actually thinking of playing this game entirely from an RP perspective. I've never rolled on an RP server on any game before and I think it may be fun. From experience of anybody that has it, is RPing in TOR enjoyable (more importantly, more enjoyable than not RPing)?


Secondly, class! I can't decide which to choose! I've narrowed it down to two ACs from either faction and I've looked through all of their abilities. I'd really like to try to only play one toon in TOR because I have a severe alt-aholic problem in some other games. Once I make a second, it goes downhill from there. :p


So what are people's thoughts on the Sage, Sentinel, Mercenary, and Sniper? Which of those 4 have the most interesting story, compelling gameplay, etc. Both from a PvE and PvP perspective if possible. I've yet to decide on what type of server to join. Also, I'm not asking which class is BEST, just how people are finding each one.


I played a shadow during the beta and any type of stealth-based class is definitely not for me. Cover is fine, but I dislike stealth.


Any input would be great! I'm looking forward to getting into the community, just need help figuring out where to start! :D

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I can't respond about an RP server because my guild(s) is on a PvE server. While some of us love to RP, not all our members do it's not like I participate in server wide RP. The idea's fun but I couldn't help you with how well it fits into practice. From what I do experience, it's not *more* enjoyable, just different. I find it to be fun but I also find just running failies with my guildmates to be fun too. I imagine that like everwhere else, it depends on the guild you join on an RP server.


I play a healing Mercenary (50 main) and my husband plays a Sniper. I myself haven't played a sniper but it's a great combo. I'm the main healer for my guild as well. I've found Merc to be a LOT of fun but I do enjoy healing classes. (My IA is a healing Operative and my SI is a Sorc) It's nice to be a heavy armor healer that can help dps when the fights aren't healing heavy. Death from Above is of course a very fun aoe ability and combined with a Sniper's Orbital Strike is fun and flashy overkill. :p I would probably still love the class if I went up a strictly DPS tree as opposed to the healing tree.


I didn't much like the BH prologue but I LOVED the IA. Alas, as my husband wanted to play the IA and we didn't want to be playing the same base class, I was the good wife and played the BH. Without giving spoilers, once you get past the Great Hunt portion of the story is when it really picks up. I found myself really invested after that and came to love the BH story.


Imperial Agent still is my favorite though. It has many *** moments. If you like being surprised a lot by odd plot twists, IA will be good for you. :p

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