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Graphics card question


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Hey peoples just a quick question about GCs for all the pc wizards out there because im dumb as a post when it comes to this,i want to upgrading my GC and im looking at spending about $100 - $150 maybe alittle higher and was thinking about the ATI HD 6770 or ATI HD 6790 because they are nice and cheap and then later down the track ill get a second GC.

Are they half desent GCs for that price range and will they run TOR good and how will TOR run with 2 of those GCs?

Not worryed about high settings,not yet anyway!


Everything else is ok i think


intel i7 860 2.8GHz

Gigabyte GA-P55-UD3 mother board

8GB DDR3 1333

320G HD

470 watt power supply(ill need 500watts+ for 2 GCs)



THANKS in advance for the help :)

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