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The Rakata Tier


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My guild and I spent some time looking over the stats given by the Rakata tier and noticed the disturbing truth. This whole tier seems very half @**ed, all the enhancements are exactly the same. Healers get alacrity on literally everything, so they end up having far too much, and zero surge. Dps gets accuracy on literally everything, making again.. far too much. After sweeping through the vendors we came to the conclusion that only two items in the whole tier has a viable enhancement. Both of these items are weapons for troopers. Project Storm Canon which gives crit and surge, and The Firestorm which gives power and surge. These two enhancments should have been mingled into the sets instead of forcing us to have to go through literally dozens of rakata trooper weapon drops just to yank out that enhancement and trash the weapon. As a healer, 8 of my rakata give me 51 alacrity for a total of 408 alacrity, only the implants offering surge, little power and crit. I have already altered my talents to remove the 4% increased alacrity to help negate this problem, but I'm still going to hit diminishing returns either way.
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