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Please merge some low populated servers


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Hello all,


Just wanna address a concern I'm sure has probably been mentioned on these forums more than few times. So why make this topic if it's been mentioned before? Because I want Bioware to know what we the players think. Even if it's a small number of us. Now before I begin I just wanna make clear this is in no way a troll topic or a WoW>TOR topic. I've played and enjoyed WoW but I feel TOR has it beat in a lot of spots and I feel even in the spots it's lacking in it could be greatly improved. (This is all my opinion)



There are certain servers which I'm sure you heard are practically abandoned on one or both sides. Personal example... My main is a BH however I decided to make a republic character earlier today. Got to the republic fleet at 4:30 in the afternoon and it had a population of 8 people... 8 people. That's pretty bad. I realize the game doesn't count people who are on other planets but the fact that the capital place of a faction is that low in the middle of the day on an east coast server just shows how much it needs a merging. I realize some of it is also just faction imbalance. At peak times I might see the imperial fleet at about 100 something the highest. I know you can't make players switch factions but why not merge predominately imperial servers with predominately republic servers? Unless I heard wrong I understand brackets are coming soon to PvP and for servers such as mine (I play on Rwooook whatever.. can't spell it all) this is only going to make the sometimes hour long PvP lines even longer... In my 44 levels of playing my BH i've seen republic in world PvP only once on tatooine.


Now I get the whole "they can't start merging servers already because it looks bad" or whatever but I feel that if Bioware keeps neglecting lower populated servers those people might just up and quit after they finish their story missions.


There are those that would say "Then don't roll on a low populated server"... That doesn't really fix the problem as much as it just bandages it.. And in my own personal experience my server was listed as "standard" when I first rolled on it.


To close this up I just wanna say that Bioware has done a pretty good job with this game. The story is magnificent, I find the gameplay incredibly addicting and as a star wars fan they've done a great job immersing some of us into the world; however denying us certain things just for the sake of looking good in the gaming world might end up having a backlash that isn't necessary.


TL:DR some servers are crazy friggin low and refusing to do anything about it to look good can only bring on more unsubs...

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