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I have a lvl 11 marauder and wondering if it is worth lvling anymore after reading the forums and this is why i ask-


I see all these post about to play this class to its best you need 30+ key binds, i have 12 at best i can use normally with the way i play. Will 12 be enough to play this class to be at all good or will i need to click on the other 18 to be at all near a decent player for pve?


I am not the best player by some standards but i do/can avoid fire or other damaging effects. Pvp is not what i play the game for but every once in a while i will do it....can only play huttball so much.


Pve is my end goal so saying you will suck at pvp is a pointless statement.


some other stuff i am looking at is carnage as a build or possibly annihilation depending on what response i get from here on the matter of key binds. If someone has any advice on which spec tends to be a better lvling spec then i am very thankful for the help.


i have read some of the stickie guide and rage does not interest me at all.


Thanks in advance for any help

Edited by mycoffee
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its not like that

you are not interested in rage????? how do you intend to dps??? your skills are rage starving and you dont have rage to dps, so you need to build it up... oh well

(you need to build rage, then see to pay attention when you need to rebuild it and not to die from starwing rage, now mate, at this point its the only thing that it will be similar to DK at wow, alto you will suck big time compared to dk from wow, but still there are similarities with play stile)

so second: carnage, yeah thats the build to level up, its usefull BUT (that but is *********** up things always :( if you don't have your minion to heal you up, you are toast. Oh yes you'll die a lot. BUT some day somewhere when you have imba gear you'll do what others were doing with normal gear.


third: carnage - its ok BUT annihilation is better on long therms fighting, still it will suck because you wont have feeling that you play with warrior, so forget your big slow hard on crits axe, you'll be like rogue with his 2 daggers and 5 stacks. Basically forget about feeling that you have warrior. (still i love this game, don't get me wrong, its good to waste your rl time pointlessly, as any mmorpg in matter of fact)


good luck with your leveling up, BUT just a tip for you, just try BH for a moment and play it for 4-5 levels, then you play your mara again. It will help you a lot i think.


EDIT: ah i forgot about keybindings

you have 2 (3) skills to build rage,

4 to dps,

2 to dps with kintetic dps (wont comment on this)

1 to reduce healing (which is not like mortal strike, its basically pointless hit that will reduce 25% healings and waste your global cd, yeah like handycapped wow warrior

1 to slow target

1 to build 30 fury and 3 to use that fury

3 to reduce damage on yourself

2 implants thatyou need to push on them to get the bonus

2 that you can't use in pvp because they are so deadly that push back skills are joke compared to this 2 imba skiz

etc etc cba

Edited by krimpatulbb
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Lol to the guy above me. He was talking about the Rage SPEC, Not the resource for our attacks.


To answer OPs question, 12 key bindings for leveling would be alright so long as you were a coordinated clicker and could get to what you need fast. But it's not really recommended because even some of the PvE end game stuff isn't going to suffer waiting for you to click your skills. I would suggest a different class, like Sniper or Sorcs. The cast times give you plenty of time to get your next ability open (And sniper has it's own special quickbar slots). Besides, you may Focus on end game PvE, but at end game PvP if you do decide to do it will cause you to want to pull your hair out and you'll feel like the weakest class in the game, regardless of gear.


Better safe than sorry. Stick with Sniper or Sorcs.

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hey dreegan thanks for the tip, yeah i already have a sorc at 50, lvled it as healer for the guild i am in and in the middle of lvling a sniper(34) and a powertech(19). I saw a marauder and thought they looked really cool so i wanted to try one out. I think i will still lvl it and just have fun with her.

As for pvp i still do that on my sorc since being a healer i get targeted extremely fast and no expertise makes me scream already....full resolve...still stunned lol


as for the guy above you i don't even know....lmao

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