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What am i missing???


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what in the world is ED? o.O electro dart? that shouldnt be in your rotation >.> you really dont need that unless you want to heal or the enemy just hits too hard.


and your rotation is totally out of wacked, donno how you came up with that one.


heres how it works, its priority system where you just cast things in certain order depending on what buffs and debuffs your target has


so your priorities are as follows


Railshot if you have 5 stacks of tracer lock and your enemy has 5 stacks of heat signatures

Unload if you have 5 stacks of heat signatures (thermal sensor override with this ability if your heat is at 24 or higher)

Heat seeker missiles if you have 5 stacks of heat signatures (basically this is just saying always unload before you use heat seekers)

otherwise you cast tracer missiles


you can open up with death from above but with it's cooldown I would save it for only on fights where the enemies are spread apart but close enough for it to hit. otherwise dont bother with it and save it for when you can use it usefully

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I'm guessing he actually means Explosive Dart rather than electro? DFA->explosive can be good for groups with 2+ normal mobs.


Above poster is correct on rotation. Your main issue is popping RS with only 2 stacks of tracer lock. Wait til 5. Don't remember when you get HSM but maybe you don't have it yet.


Not sure what you mean by "macros anyone?" It's not like WoW or RIFT at this point where you can make a 1-button macro that implements that rotation. You could do it with a programmable keyboard but that's against the TOS and you could get banned I think so I wouldn't recommend that.

Edited by Raxander
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