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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Free Flight Space Combat


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I would like to start this post by saying, Bioware your game is awesome, Keep up the great work and dedication that you have put into this game. Though there may be a few trolls who have nothing better to do than to complain about the bugs, there are still many who don't live at home with Mommy and have decent computers to be able to enjoy this wonderful game you have created.


I have only one suggestion that I would LOVE to see someday put into the game, Free flight space combat/missions. It would be nice to be able to have some space pvp and a mission or two that was not on a set path. After all, we put so much money into our ships that it would be nice to enjoy them more.


SWOTOR, in my opinion, has taken the best aspects of most of the big MMO's out there and left the tedious crap to the companions or found a way of doing away with them completely. I have played numerous MMO's in the past but one that I used to play that sticks in mind is Star Trek Online, the only thing I liked about their game was the Space PvP and free flight.


I don't know much about coding games, or even if free flight is viable with your space misison set up, but I think that it would certainly make SWTOR the Ultimate MMORPG currently out there.


Just One Man's Opinion,


Sith Juggernaught

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I would love for them to add free flight in space. In SWG, I loved the diversion of going up to my ship and just flying around to find hostile ships to fight with even if I didn't have a quest and without concern for grinding XP, just the fun of dogfighting with the enemy.


Space combat in this game is okay, but I prefer being able choose my attack vector and timing, not just be stuck on a roller coaster ride where I can shoot stuff (I don't mean that harshly. The system is a decent approach.)


However, this would take a complete rewrite of the space system, so I wouldn't expect it any time soon even if they decide to do it. I think it would add a lot to the game.

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I would like to start this post by saying, Bioware your game is awesome, Keep up the great work and dedication that you have put into this game. Though there may be a few trolls who have nothing better to do than to complain about the bugs, there are still many who don't live at home with Mommy and have decent computers to be able to enjoy this wonderful game you have created.


I have only one suggestion that I would LOVE to see someday put into the game, Free flight space combat/missions. It would be nice to be able to have some space pvp and a mission or two that was not on a set path. After all, we put so much money into our ships that it would be nice to enjoy them more.


SWOTOR, in my opinion, has taken the best aspects of most of the big MMO's out there and left the tedious crap to the companions or found a way of doing away with them completely. I have played numerous MMO's in the past but one that I used to play that sticks in mind is Star Trek Online, the only thing I liked about their game was the Space PvP and free flight.


I don't know much about coding games, or even if free flight is viable with your space misison set up, but I think that it would certainly make SWTOR the Ultimate MMORPG currently out there.


Just One Man's Opinion,


Sith Juggernaught






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  • 1 month later...

I would love for this to change. I do not know why space combat is like this but I find it very frustration flighing the same vectors even though I have alreaddy completed that part of the mission, but not going back to get soemthing I missed.


I to would like to see some type of free flight, no mission just to fligh and have some random events happen.

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Hmmm, well this may happen in the future, like 2 or 3 years but I would not count on it now. You would think it is easy to create empty space but it is in fact quite hard. To have empty space completely empty would be boring to say the least. Quests in space? Not impossible, but where could they be inserted in the game that would make them seamless? They would have to change the entire process of getting to your ship (which, by the way, I would find fairly fun, because as it is now, it is a pain).


Also, that would imply a lot more mechanics that do not exist as of now. IN the space sequences, your ship moves forward on its own. You would have to do that yourself. Technically, a smaller ship should be nimbler, a larger ship should have more firepower and etc. How to decide what ship is better than the other? Make them all equal? That would not make sense! As if a Toyota could beat a Ferrari on the quarter mile.


This could get big very fast and get out of hand very fast.


One last thing. Whatever they do, someone, somewhere WILL complain. That is a fact. For whomever is out there, someone will say that they messed it up, they should have done it this way, etc...

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Ya I agree there seem to be more people argueing about what should have been than anything else. I do space combat alot because I like space flight, I can not wait to see what they have instore for it in the future.
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  • 11 months later...
Hmmm, well this may happen in the future, like 2 or 3 years but I would not count on it now. You would think it is easy to create empty space but it is in fact quite hard. To have empty space completely empty would be boring to say the least. Quests in space? Not impossible, but where could they be inserted in the game that would make them seamless? They would have to change the entire process of getting to your ship (which, by the way, I would find fairly fun, because as it is now, it is a pain).


Also, that would imply a lot more mechanics that do not exist as of now. IN the space sequences, your ship moves forward on its own. You would have to do that yourself. Technically, a smaller ship should be nimbler, a larger ship should have more firepower and etc. How to decide what ship is better than the other? Make them all equal? That would not make sense! As if a Toyota could beat a Ferrari on the quarter mile.


This could get big very fast and get out of hand very fast.


One last thing. Whatever they do, someone, somewhere WILL complain. That is a fact. For whomever is out there, someone will say that they messed it up, they should have done it this way, etc...


I would say that Space Combat / Missions could be treated like alternate leveling.. they already have a point system in place for Legacy Levels. Not sure if anyone remembers the game Star Wars Galaxies or not but it was a first attempt at a Star Wars MMO. Did a few things right and a lit of things wrong IMO. One of the BEST things about the game was its Space Missions. It was like having 2 characters in one. You leveled each aspect of your character separately. You could devote your skill points into areas like Engineering, Tactical, Piloting, Exploration, Smuggling or you could mix and match... Be a specialist or a jack of all trades.


Here is the skill tree http://images.mmorpg.com/images/galleries/full/222009/5f8b1132-9b78-4b65-9393-fa3f641d96c8.jpg


You built or bought ship chassis and loaded player built or bought equipment on them, weapons, drives, shields, etc. as your skill increased, you were able to fly better ships, with more hard points available on the chassis. Awesome game mechanics too.. You could group up and form squadrons or wings and take on numerous hostiles or tougher foes. it was my favorite part of that game.


That being said, many people didn't like the fact you needed a joystick for flight. But when doing Space PvP or Free Flight space missions, you needed the added control for precision attack vectors or bombing/torpedo runs.


Now, my suggestion would be to take it one step further. Capitol Ship Combat. Guilds should in theory be able to build their own capitol ships... with MULTIPLE player controlled stations. each with a specific duty, 1 Engineering Officer handles repairs, Another routs power to shields, 1 tactical officer handles targeting, another counter-measures, as the ship becomes damaged the Crew might take damage as well... Ship's Doctor?


The possibilities are endless... Squadrons of light fighters vs. a large capitol ship... Capitol vs. capitol... Fighters vs fighters, Everything vs. the DEATH STAR! heheh


The technology exists to add these features, the only question is will they do it, and if so... will they do it well.

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