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A guild is just a group of people that play and/or socialize with each other. In non-gaming parlance, it would be a club. At this point in the game, there are no real advantages to being in a guild other than having others to play/socialize with (which is significant imo).


At some point, BW will put in things like guild banks (allows the guild to share a big cargo hold basically), guild perks for completing content and achievements as a group (mostly quality of life type rewards), and possibly guild mother ships (basically a private club house for the guild).


Edit: Running anything with a guild is usually much easier and more efficient than running with pugs (pickup group consisting of people you may not know) because everyone tends to communicate better and be more considerate of each other. That is not to say that you won't find good pugs, but in general, I find it much more fun and efficient to run with guildies. Think of it as any team sport. If you go to the park and play pickup basketball with random people you don't know, your team probably won't be as effective as you would be playing with the same group of people for 6 months.

Edited by Dirtybomb
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There is a guild recruitment forum within the server group forums where you can look for which guilds are recruiting or start a thread stating that you are looking for a guild.


Alternatively, many guilds, if they are actively recruiting, will advertise in general chat within the game, particularly on the Fleets. If you see one that interests you, you can whisper the person advertising and ask for more information and/or an invite.


But yes, you have to be invited by someone in the guild with invitation privileges. This is generally, at a minimum, the guildmaster and any guild officers but sometimes is anyone in the guild or anyone above a certain rank.

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How do you join a guild? do you have to recieve an invite or is there a guild recruiting page


In addition to Lurkz's advice, it is perfectly acceptable to send a whisper to a member of a guild you are interested in and ask if they are recruiting and/or if they have a guild website. A lot of guilds may not post in the swtor forums or in chat channels if they are recruiting, but have a separate guild website that will allow you to read a bit about the guild and put in an application. Don't be intimidated by the application process. It is only there to make sure you are a fit for the guild and vice versa. Having to fill out an app is much better than guild hopping because you didn't know what you were getting in to


If you know what you are wanting out of a guild, it is a little easier to find one that you will fit in to. Some guilds focus on PVE, some on PVP, some do a little of everything, and there are others that don't do much at all outside of socialize. It may take a bit of time to find one you like, but a little research goes a long way if you want one that fits your play style and focus.

Edited by Dirtybomb
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Having been a guild leader for some time here and in that 'other' game (our guild group-transfered over here) I can say that the best way I use to recruit is really NOT to advertise that I'm recruiting. I feel like the open cattle-call for members really opens you up to alot of personalities and play-styles may not mesh with how the guild is used to doing things. I frequently will ask in general chat though, for 1 or 2 people of a given class/role to fill out out an operations or flashpoint group. Anyone that comes with us for these activities is a potential recruit depending on personality/attitude/playstyle. I dont really even look at gear or skill as heavily as some guilds might, because of the nature of our guild. We're really just a casual bunch of friends taht have been gaming together for some time (many actually know each other in the real world too!) and so the open invites from the general population doesnt work for us. We like to 'feel out' our potential recruits before offering the invite! I'm sure there are plenty of other guilds that fit a similar style to ours.


The moral of my story, I guess, is that a great way to find a guild is just to join groups 'LFM' especially if they say "guild run LF1M xxx.' If you can fit xxx's role or class, join up, be honest with your experience, and be yourself - if you fit with that group, ask if they're recruiting (better yet, they may ask you!). As a new player, I would not advise seeking out one of the 'hardcore' guilds, as they will expect fully geared, experienced players to 'farm' content with and tend to be less forgiving of the learning curve. They're fine if that's what you're looking for, but most 'newbies' don't make the cut in that style of guild.

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Having been a guild leader for some time here and in that 'other' game (our guild group-transfered over here) I can say that the best way I use to recruit is really NOT to advertise that I'm recruiting. I feel like the open cattle-call for members really opens you up to alot of personalities and play-styles may not mesh with how the guild is used to doing things. I frequently will ask in general chat though, for 1 or 2 people of a given class/role to fill out out an operations or flashpoint group. Anyone that comes with us for these activities is a potential recruit depending on personality/attitude/playstyle. I dont really even look at gear or skill as heavily as some guilds might, because of the nature of our guild. We're really just a casual bunch of friends taht have been gaming together for some time (many actually know each other in the real world too!) and so the open invites from the general population doesnt work for us. We like to 'feel out' our potential recruits before offering the invite! I'm sure there are plenty of other guilds that fit a similar style to ours.


The moral of my story, I guess, is that a great way to find a guild is just to join groups 'LFM' especially if they say "guild run LF1M xxx.' If you can fit xxx's role or class, join up, be honest with your experience, and be yourself - if you fit with that group, ask if they're recruiting (better yet, they may ask you!). As a new player, I would not advise seeking out one of the 'hardcore' guilds, as they will expect fully geared, experienced players to 'farm' content with and tend to be less forgiving of the learning curve. They're fine if that's what you're looking for, but most 'newbies' don't make the cut in that style of guild.


This is essentially how my guild operates as well. Very good advice, especially if you're looking for a more friendly or casual-friendly guild rather than a hardcore raiding guild.


Along with this, even just grouping up in the world to run heroics or what have you, if the person seems friendly and seems to fit the type of attitude you'd want in a guildy, you can ask them about their guild and if they're recruiting.

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1 quality player with a good personality that fits with your own and that of the guild as a whole is a far greater pickup than 10 randoms who will leave at the drop of a hat (like if you don't raid one week because people have real life obligations). This style of recruiting insures that you have people that will get along well, and help the guild grow and succeed over time, while maintaining a casual and comfortable gaming experience. These guilds also tend to be smaller and closer knit.
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