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Combat Sentinel - Some frustrations and some moments of glory.


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I'll start by saying I've only been PvPing (across 3 mmo's) for about 3 weeks, although I achieved level 50 about 3 weeks after the pre-release early playh;. That said, I don't consider myself excellent at PvP yet, but I do well in mmo's in general. I'm still learning PvP.


I'll start with a few moments of glory this past weekend. I am a combat spec'd sentinel in meager centurion armor.


This weekend while in a voidstar I decided to suicide/draw some imps to the lesser occupied door. An assassin had just ran that direction so I pursued. Once I engaged him in combat another appeared. I killed the first and had about 30% hp to spare. I cloaked and, luckily it was up, grabbed the heal powerup nearby. I rounded the corner, force lept to him, killed him and planted the bomb :)


Were they poor at PvP? I have no idea, I've never played a sith assassin :)


The same day in huttball I was in pursuit of the ball and one of those pesky sith (sorc I think) kept lightning my team. I jumped on him and took his hp low enough in a very short time that he ran for the vent. He hit the vent, was thrown in the air... I hit him with dispatch and killed him mid-air. I lol'd for real as I watched his corpse thud to the ground. The great thing is I repeated this exact scenario in a later huttball :)


Those are a few moments of newbie pvp glory to help encourage any struggling with the sentinel class. Overall I greatly enjoy the sentinel class. In PvE I was able to solo the entire way to 50, even the final battle, with little difficulty.


Now my PvP frustrations.


Heavy armor. With our precision slash only lasting 6 seconds...heavy armor (champion+) is nearly undamagable by 1 combat sentinel (centurion+). Nearly every time I have been the only person chasing a heavy armor in huttball I find that he/she has taken very minimal damage...even with me burning every burst option I have. The best I am doing is impeding his movement speed at this point.


Knockbacks. These are brutal. As a pure melee I feel like a pingpong ball at times. My only 2 ranged attacks are nearly in melee range (with exception to the set bonus of dispatch). Coupled with the fact that most knockbacks have a terrible movement reduction, staying on target can be quite frustrating.

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