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Time for PvP/Warzone


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I'm a lv 35 BH... and i play on a PvE server. However i have as yet not played in PvP (i know lame) but i wanted to do story mode first.


So here's the question? What do i need to do to start playing in PvP... and what is the benefit of doing this? Also should i rather wait until i'm lv 50?


Looking for some advice and hints/tip's for starting out



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Well i would start as soon as possible mostly because pre 50 pvp is some of the most fun i have had in any game. They bolster your stats so that everyone feels useful and powerful.


Benefits exp and cash are very good rewards, with the warzone commendations you can buy very good level 20 and 40 gear and some good weapons leveling up.


You learn to play your class in pvp what works what doesn't to prepare yourself for 50 PVP.


You learn how to throw the huttball.


You increase your valor rank and get titles, plus the eventual battlemaster level which unlocks the ability to get the best pvp gear.

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Very much worth doing before you hit 50, as you gain warzone commendations and valor ranks, which become very useful at 50. You also learn how to roll around as a kill team rather than a solo hunter. Pre-50, the warzones are pretty fair as there is very little expertise gear available.


The warzone daily gives plenty of EXP and credits.



I'd recommend really learning your hotkeys (hopefully you have some bound), specifically defensive cooldowns, offensive cooldowns, huttball throw, and CC breaking skill.


Learning how/when to use that CC skill will take a lot of practice, but it is awesome when you learn how to do it and just walk the huttball in for a touchdown because of your foresight. Sometimes you just need to eat a stun and watch your character wiggle on the ground for a while, so you can break the next CC 3 seconds later and have immunity.


Also, for point defense matches- voidstar and alderan, if you are on defense, keep an eye on the door/turrets. Since we have nice range, you can spot and interrupt a point-cap fairly easily (as long as you are paying attention). Don't pursue the jedi with 15% life that is running away- you can bet a stealthed character is waiting for you to do it and cap your point.


And always use DFA whenever possible.

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i would recommend at least doing PVP enough to buy a champion bag, then max ur commendations (1000 warzone, 1000 merc) so that you can buy 5 more bags when you hit lvl 50. the reason for this is that if you try to enter the lvl 50 bracket with no gear you get insta-*****. every time. its frustrating, especially if ur new to pvp. Edited by radbass
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i would recommend at least doing PVP enough to buy a champion bag, then max ur commendations (1000 warzone, 1000 merc) so that you can buy 5 more bags when you hit lvl 50. the reason for this is that if you try to enter the lvl 50 bracket with no gear you get insta-*****. every time. its frustrating, especially if ur new to pvp.




If you don't do this you will be serioulsy gimping yourself in the 50 bracket. Also you will want to get a decent amount of practice in on all the WZ's so that you know what you are doing.


Have fun!

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