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Merc spec


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I created a build for pvp.




Chose a hybrid dps build pyro/arsenal. im not using tracer missile since i find mobility by far more important + ur using powermissele to reset rails cd.


spells ur (mainly) using: rail, powershot, upload, incendiary missile, (combustible gas cilinder)


situational: electro dart, dead from above, cleanse etc...


any thoughts?

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yeah... just the get full 31 points pyro spec, it will work a lot better because you gain so much periodic dmg and thermal detonator is amazing for spiking dmg... your build will lack burst...


This is mine



basic chain


incind>thermal>rail>unload>rail>rocketpunch (or rapidshots if they are at range)


You can optionally add in fusion missile as an opener IF you have thermal sensor override and power surge up.


Dont use powershot...Ever.... it burns too much heat for what it does and 20% chance to proc railshot isnt worth it...youll often run yourself out of heat before you get a railshot proc from powershot...so dont bother.


Rapidshots should be spammed often, especially when fighting MELEE, it uses 0 heat and as a merc does around 780-1000 dmg + 1200 from combustable gas cyl and also applies a 50% snare.


The main thing you will notice about Pyro... *tons* of burst potential *tons* of AOE... spending your heat wisely is they key part to the spec, your "high heat" skills like AOE's are costly...but also very effective if used carefully/situationally.


The best bit with pyro is 95% of your DPS is mobile, you really only need to stop moving to AOE or drop unload, the rest of the time you are completely mobile.

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I created a build for pvp.




Chose a hybrid dps build pyro/arsenal. im not using tracer missile since i find mobility by far more important + ur using powermissele to reset rails cd.


spells ur (mainly) using: rail, powershot, upload, incendiary missile, (combustible gas cilinder)


situational: electro dart, dead from above, cleanse etc...


any thoughts?


when I first read the "hybrid pyro arsenal" I was thinking "omg another noob" but after seeing your choices and your talent build, your the first one that actually made smart choices. kudos to you.


but even though they are smart, they are still lack luster. the play style I see here is basically focused around unload and free rail shots and power shot whenever unload is on cooldown. though this is viable its still very turret style meaning no mobility. you still gotta stand there and cast the unload and power shots. so it wouldnt be any different than a tracer missile arsenal build which would have done more damage.


but its a very good try compared to many others i've seen.

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I created a build for pvp.




Chose a hybrid dps build pyro/arsenal. im not using tracer missile since i find mobility by far more important + ur using powermissele to reset rails cd.


spells ur (mainly) using: rail, powershot, upload, incendiary missile, (combustible gas cilinder)


situational: electro dart, dead from above, cleanse etc...


any thoughts?


As always I would say give it a try and see what you think. You'll never know if you like it or not based on what people say on the forums. That being said though, I don't think it's a great idea. Here are some of my thoughts.


1) Pinning fire is a waste of 2 points since you have sweltering heat.

2) You say you want mobility but you base your hybrid around Unload.

3) Burnout + Rain Of Fire + Firebug is going to give you way more damage output than Riddle and Target Tracking would, especially since you aren't full arsenal.

4) Your losing a lot of potential for Crit increase by not having either Hired Muscle or Burnout.

5) By not having Firebug your losing a lot of DOT potential and taking a hit on Rail Shot damage which is the go to shot for pyro.

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being BG, i've never spec pyro. will i do ok speccing pyro in medic gear? i do ok in arsenal spec. getting average 7 medal just stand, tab and spam. (that's back in orange gear)


i know those alacrity is waste but i not trying to be the best here. just haven't re-spec for 2 weeks give me urge to surprise ppl.


any hybrid pyro build for medic gear?

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being BG, i've never spec pyro. will i do ok speccing pyro in medic gear? i do ok in arsenal spec. getting average 7 medal just stand, tab and spam. (that's back in orange gear)


i know those alacrity is waste but i not trying to be the best here. just haven't re-spec for 2 weeks give me urge to surprise ppl.


any hybrid pyro build for medic gear?


I personally love being a hybrid and being able to pressure or protect team mates depending on the situation. Dots + heals are actually a fairly fun way to play rather than pure healer.


Here's my spec in medic gear:



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yeah... just the get full 31 points pyro spec, it will work a lot better because you gain so much periodic dmg and thermal detonator is amazing for spiking dmg... your build will lack burst...


This is mine



basic chain


incind>thermal>rail>unload>rail>rocketpunch (or rapidshots if they are at range)


You can optionally add in fusion missile as an opener IF you have thermal sensor override and power surge up.


Dont use powershot...Ever.... it burns too much heat for what it does and 20% chance to proc railshot isnt worth it...youll often run yourself out of heat before you get a railshot proc from powershot...so dont bother.


Rapidshots should be spammed often, especially when fighting MELEE, it uses 0 heat and as a merc does around 780-1000 dmg + 1200 from combustable gas cyl and also applies a 50% snare.


The main thing you will notice about Pyro... *tons* of burst potential *tons* of AOE... spending your heat wisely is they key part to the spec, your "high heat" skills like AOE's are costly...but also very effective if used carefully/situationally.


The best bit with pyro is 95% of your DPS is mobile, you really only need to stop moving to AOE or drop unload, the rest of the time you are completely mobile.


thx especially the first replays made sens. my bh is my als its level 14 so i didnt really knew where i was talking about. im still not mobile enough with the build i thought would be the best. i played on my friends bh and found arsenal more of a pve build and 31 in pyrotech indeed the best pvp build. thx for ur help

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yeah... just the get full 31 points pyro spec, it will work a lot better because you gain so much periodic dmg and thermal detonator is amazing for spiking dmg... your build will lack burst...


This is mine



basic chain


incind>thermal>rail>unload>rail>rocketpunch (or rapidshots if they are at range)


You can optionally add in fusion missile as an opener IF you have thermal sensor override and power surge up.


Dont use powershot...Ever.... it burns too much heat for what it does and 20% chance to proc railshot isnt worth it...youll often run yourself out of heat before you get a railshot proc from powershot...so dont bother.


Rapidshots should be spammed often, especially when fighting MELEE, it uses 0 heat and as a merc does around 780-1000 dmg + 1200 from combustable gas cyl and also applies a 50% snare.


The main thing you will notice about Pyro... *tons* of burst potential *tons* of AOE... spending your heat wisely is they key part to the spec, your "high heat" skills like AOE's are costly...but also very effective if used carefully/situationally.


The best bit with pyro is 95% of your DPS is mobile, you really only need to stop moving to AOE or drop unload, the rest of the time you are completely mobile.


One Q. on your build, and im sure you have explained it before, but why the alacrity boost over Energy Rebounder or over finishing Gyroscopic Alignment Jets?

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