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Decisions, decisions... Sentinel or Sage


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Congratulations on your choices OP!


One of the things I love about this game is the differences in class function, design, animation, and story progression. I'm concerned I'll never get to endgame...there's too much to experience on the way there!


Now, I've just started my Sentinel, but my main is a Juggernaut (the mirror for the guardian). and the class mechanics are much the same, if only a few differences. And I'm talking solely DPS specs here...the tanking spec is a totally different beast.


I love the knight/warrior class design. It's hard for me to put mine down to play my other classes. just wait until you start to get your class defining skills post 20...they are a very dynamic and enjoyable class to play.


And I do agree that there is a learning curve...though once your used to it the class feels as straightforward as any (with a few more choices). But getting past that hump can be a challenge for many, and for some, as you said, it simply may not be what they're looking for. But I'm glad your sticking to it. even if it doesn't pan out, you'll be able to say (with experience) that the class simply didn't fit you.


I find that whether a class is challenging or simple to learn in its execution has nothing to do with preference of playstyle. the Agent/smuggle, as an example....no matter how much I push myself, i can't get into the class mechanic or how it plays. And I have no issues adapting to a new skill set, I just don't like how it works out as a class. Personal preference only...I have many guild members that love their agents. So it is obviously a fun class for those interested.


I'm enjoying my Sentinel slowly. it's similar enough to my jugg/guard (have one of each...2 jugg's actually and guard) that I an pick up on the idiosyncracies easily, but it poses different challenges as times goes on. fun stuff.


Quick tip: the hardest time for a guard/Sent on repub side is the late teens through early 30's. you don't get your healer companion until then, so you have to balance out how you play the class. It isn't undoable, but for those who arent into that playstyle, it can be difficult until you get Doc. So if you haven't taken a craft up yet, I highly recommend Biotech. I did this on my guardian, I use my medpacks regularly on CD, and it really smooths out the leveling process.


Once you get your healing companion, you can try it out and see which playstyle really suits you the best.


Edit: BTW, I can speak from experience that all variations of the warrior/knight mature later. But it's worth it. My Vengance Jugg feels amazingly awesome when he leaps in an unloads his damage cycle. but that full cycle doesn't mature until the mid 30's or so. Still a ton of fun up to that point, but just be aware that the fun hasn't even started yet...

Edited by Elyx
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