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My bad luck....(RE)


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I have been trying to RE "Redoubt Immunity Module" (lvl 49 earpiece) into the Veracity purple version for about a week now, but still nothing. I've used hundreds of mats and over 300k on missions for UT metals and still nothing. At this point I'll even settle for any of the five purple outcomes, but no luck there. Is there a bug with RE at the moment, or is it just my luck? (or lack of) I've RE other lvl 49 cybertech mods and such to their purple variants, but this one just wont turn into anything.
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I have been trying to RE "Redoubt Immunity Module" (lvl 49 earpiece) into the Veracity purple version for about a week now, but still nothing. I've used hundreds of mats and over 300k on missions for UT metals and still nothing. At this point I'll even settle for any of the five purple outcomes, but no luck there. Is there a bug with RE at the moment, or is it just my luck? (or lack of) I've RE other lvl 49 cybertech mods and such to their purple variants, but this one just wont turn into anything.


REing is bugged. I'm not going to look up the post by the dev saying it is far to low, its on the forums.

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Don't remember the name of the earpiece (also level 49) I've been working on, but I've passed 60 RE's without a single schematic learned. At this point, I don't need credits for anything and it gives my minions something to do. Been wondering when this supposed RE "fix" is coming.


For now, it's passed beyond frustrating and into the disturbingly entertaining phase.

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REing is bugged. I'm not going to look up the post by the dev saying it is far to low, its on the forums.


It isn't bugged, necessarily, but the devs do think the success rate on RE'ing high end items is a bit too low and they are looking into the issue of learning recipes you already know, rather than one you don't.


Anyway, statistically speaking, these things happen. I'm at over 250 REs trying to get the veracity redoubt willpower implant. I've gotten the other 3 possible ones...about 14 times now. And while the odds of that happening are against me, well, with 4 possibles, it'll happen to just under 2% of people trying it.


Suffice it to say I really, really hate that you already know the schematic message ;)

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Suffice it to say I really, really hate that you already know the schematic message ;)


That is by far the most annoying thing. I had that message 12 times before I read that they are making it so that doesn't happen with a patch in the future. Anti-armor is nice and all, but sheesh, I'm tired of learning it time after time, with 4 other possibilities out there >.<


(Total spent: 15 stacks of Ciridium ( 750 blue earpieces that failed)) Now stock piling for when the patch -eventually- hits.

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