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Where is the gunnery gear?


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Is anyone else noticing the lack of real gunnery gear in the PVP and PVE armor sets. I see a 2 sets of gear that is +power and +accuracy based, one set defensive based, and one this is crit and accelercy based. I don't really like any of these because the combinations don't make a lot of sense to me for a gunnery build.


I'll just throw out the defensive set as that is for vanguards.


The +power doesn't help as much with gunnery because we aren't really hitting a lot compared to other classes. Gunnery is more of a big but slow hitter, while it helps it doesn't seem to be the best stat to gear up on.


The +accuracy is almost completely useless give that our top 2 abilities are tech attacks which already have a 100% natural accuracy.


The +accelercy is nice but isn't really the best thing to get as the return for investment isn't that great.


The medic sets are the closest to what I'm looking for as they mostly have crit, surge and accelercy but then you don't end up with any relivant set bonus


As a gunnery I'm really looking for +crit, +surge and +power. There doesn't seem to be any sets that are have these.


Is anyone else also think there is a gap between what is relevant to gunnery and what gear is actually available.

Edited by malfuncion
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