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Light Side or Dark Side


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I cant seem to find any reference to the Light and Dark side responses. Would it be practical for a Sith to select Light side choices? I keep thinking Sith should select Dark side and Jedi light side, is there any real significance to what is selected or how the meter is used?
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From what I heard, the only thing light-side/dark-side does is add some gear options. The gear form these options is no different stat-wise then regular pieces, it just looks different (I'm assuming light-side looks, well, more good and dark-side looks more evil).


As for how the meter is used, it simply uses the difference between how many points you have on each side. So if you have 2000 light-side points and 1000 dark-side points, it will give you the difference, meaning you'll have 1000 light-side, and will only have light-side rank 1. If you max out the points, it will start subtracting the opposing points if you continue to gain more in the side you are maxed with.


Not confirmed though since I haven't played yet. This is just what people have told me.

Edited by Zikah
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There are 2 vendors on the fleet, 1 for light and 1 for dark. Thats the only impact i have seen so far.


Although there is an option in preferences to turn off sith corruption or something. Possibly another effect of going darkside for sith.

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hmmm, I found it very practical with the way i was RP'ing my smuggler to select mostly Dark side responses as they had to do with getting a payday. I wouldnt assume its as concrete as that for all responses. But the end result is being able to use specific light/dark side gear is all.
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