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Abilities not WORKING just like the rest of the game


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First off, I don't want to hear any L2P crap. BW when I click on a SKILL that is INSTANT, why does it take more then 4 secs to work??? I have a pretty good computer and my lag is under 200ms. So please tell me why? Because this is something that should be at the TOP of your bug fixes.
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Ok very fair question, and thank you. I am a lvl 50 Marauder. Not a bad PVP'er. Diffidently not the best and I admit that. The skills I am referring to are Smash and Obliterate. These are just the 2 that are really hard hitters that take like 4 secs to even start while pvping. I understand about lag and all, this is not the case. So why does it take that long to perform? I don't understand it at all. It feels like my class is gimped because of this delay on instant skills. Now I am not QQing about getting the living crap beat out of me in PVP, thats expected, but when you push or click a button and it dosent work then poof finally works but its to late because the target already got out of range. Thats what I am trying to get at!! So PLEASE, what am I doing wrong?
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I'm unsure why that is happening to you, I play a Juggernaut and I am not experiencing the same issue as you.


My abilities go off instantly, does it only happen in warzones? Maybe you're computer isn't as good as you think it is. My old comp would have a huge delay because I lagged so bad.


When I got my new one, my performance increased ten fold.

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First off, I don't want to hear any L2P crap. BW when I click on a SKILL that is INSTANT, why does it take more then 4 secs to work??? I have a pretty good computer and my lag is under 200ms. So please tell me why? Because this is something that should be at the TOP of your bug fixes.


150-200 MS is really really bad. I play from Sweden on a US east coast server and I have average 110 in ping and I notice that it hurts me in PvP some times.


If I plaid on a European server I would have around 30 ping.


I suggest you find an other server or get a better ISP first.

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Well, it would be hard to find another ISP. I am in the Military stationed in South Korea. So getting another ISP is not a option.


Rolling a range character might make you feel a bit better. Latency won't be so obvious compared to a melee character. Melee characters are always in the "middle" of the action.

Just saying ...

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Rolling a range character might make you feel a bit better. Latency won't be so obvious compared to a melee character. Melee characters are always in the "middle" of the action.

Just saying ...


I understand what you are talking about and I would like to thank you for actually taking the time and talking to me about what you think is the problem. I have 2 other toons that I am working on, but still a very long way off before they are ready for PVP.

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I know what he is talking about. It is something that the DEVS are aware of and are working to fix. Ability delay, it is somewhat better than it used to be. There is nothing you can really do about it. It is a server sided problem. If you were to check the marauder forum you would see other post about this. Edited by Badlander
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It is ridiculous, even with 40 MS


Blade Storm take ~3 seconds to trigger and Force Sweep doesn't go off at all at times. Still triggers the GCD though...


This guy right here knows what he's talking about. The rest of you are nothing but trolls. Stop posting forever. Those 2 abilities definitely don't function properly. It's not a computer issue, it's not a latency/internet/isp issue it's freaking BIOWARE.


Before bioware supposedly released a patch to fix the problem it was constant. After their so-called fix the problem became sporadic. It's still there, sometimes not, but mostly it is.


God, I wish people who think they know soooooo much about computers/internet and everything else would dry up and die. You're probably paid by Bioware to post your stupid nonsense on the forums to deter others from seeking answer to questions. What a bunch of life failures.

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150-200 MS is serious lag (not game-breaking but serious). Ppl with such numbers are usually kicked from FPP games because their response is game-breaking for everyone.


That's one of possible reasons.



Second one is that "instant" abilities still fall under GCD timers and then there's skill animation which just adds to cast time, THEN there's skill que timer (you can tweak that in preferences), then opponent response AND gcd... And yeah, lag adds to that.


I had issues with instant skills a month ago when sorc instants took 1 second to take effect because of animations. It's better now but interrupts still are more of a fifty fifty game then anything else.

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