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help please


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im mostly an RPGkinda guy but really wanna get the full mmorpg experience. going to start another character soon and play on a PvP server to get the multiplayer thing going. ( im paying $$ for it so why not) i would really love some pointers for someone who never ever played an mmo and would really like to avoid getting kicked as much as possible. i get the whole tank and healer stuff. but i get the feeling im going to need to build my new guy up and armor up ALOT in order to compete and be a more appealing teammate. any helpful hints and tips would be great!! thanks guys Edited by daredevil-
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The best way is to play.

Run through a few missions till you reach say, level 15. That way you get a feel for the game, the mechanics, the combat system etc. In your spare time, when you are not playing read up, or watch on youtube, there is a wealth of info available.


Then I recomend to help with the social apsect of the game, you join a guild. Look for one that is 'casual' and that welcomes new players.


Try this http://www.tortoolbox.com/quiz/

It is an excellent 'quiz' that matches your answers to a guild that offers what you are looking for.


Hope this helps! If you need anything further, feel free to message me.



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thanks guys!!!! i been playing PvE and currently level 17. just thinking how much invested time i have put into this one characterand it is a long road to create a new guy on a PvP server. i have a family that needs dads attention and as much as i wanna nerd out completely i only can when everyone is asleep. anyways thank you.
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