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Calling All Artists!


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Hey everyone! Myself and another community member have begun work on a new SW novel. We have possible plans to try and get it published when it is finished, but as of right now it is just for fun. The point of this thread is to request any artist who would like to do some artwork also for fun.


For any interested, we are looking for a more realistic style to maybe slight anime. Now when i say this I don't mean photo quality. (Though I certainly wouldn't object if someone wanted to do that. lol) However, we aren't looking for chibi cartoonish / comic book style.


Anywho, if anyone is interested in joining the project, feel free to write back here or just PM me to get more details on the story.

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can you give some more information?:D


Well first i'd like to thank you for the interest. :) however, i can't give any information on the story here, as we do plan to at least try and get it published when its finished. however, if you can submit a link for your work or sample of it here, i'll PM you with how we can proceed and get you up to speed on the story should your style match with what we are looking for. thanks again for the interest!

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If you're looking to publish a book rooted in the Star Wars franchise, you should probably be aware that franchise novels belonging to such enormous properties typically require pre-approval and licensing before undertaking them, and in the case of Star Wars, it usually works on the basis that someone associated with the proprietors of the franchise comes up with a story idea and then hires a writer to work within the boundaries established from the outset.


Not to rain on any parades (as fan-fiction and parody certainly do not require approval), but you probably would not be able to pitch a novel for sale and distribution after it is finished.


That said, good luck with the project.

Edited by Lankist
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If you're looking to publish a book rooted in the Star Wars franchise, you should probably be aware that franchise novels belonging to such enormous properties typically require pre-approval and licensing before undertaking them, and in the case of Star Wars, it usually works on the basis that someone associated with the proprietors of the franchise comes up with a story idea and then hires a writer to work within the boundaries established from the outset.


Not to rain on any parades (as fan-fiction and parody certainly do not require approval), but you probably would not be able to pitch a novel for sale and distribution after it is finished.


That said, good luck with the project.


yes of this i'm aware. that's why i said for now it is simply for fun as ya, the odds of it actually being published are slim. but thanks for the heads up just the same! :) and if in the end, the book is denied, i'll bring it here to share with everyone so the work we put into it doesn't go to waste. :)

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