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Ops leader can't be ignored during warzone


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Here's hoping that when the ops leader is on an ignore list it's bypassed during the warzone.


I've had the dubious pleasure of being called an idiot, douche and tard today for pointing out that higher level characters have more abilities than lower level characters and bolster doesn't mean every capability is equal... and I hate to think that the people who put me on ignore will simply jeopardize an entire match by not seeing calls.


I'm happy to never speak to them again in the PVE game, but in warzones we all need to put aside personal prejudices and work together since the group is put together randomly.

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Here's hoping that when the ops leader is on an ignore list it's bypassed during the warzone.


I've had the dubious pleasure of being called an idiot, douche and tard today for pointing out that higher level characters have more abilities than lower level characters and bolster doesn't mean every capability is equal... and I hate to think that the people who put me on ignore will simply jeopardize an entire match by not seeing calls.


I'm happy to never speak to them again in the PVE game, but in warzones we all need to put aside personal prejudices and work together since the group is put together randomly.


I disagree. If you are unable to communicate your concerns in such a way that you don't get mass-ignored, I don't think that the success of the warzone match overrides the mental sanity of its participants.


I can't speak about your case specifically, since I know only one side and no specifics... but some folks take this game way too seriously, and if I choose to ignore them to avoid the constant negativity over ultimately meaningless, repeatable activities, that choice should be respected regardless of context.


If this concerns you that much, I think a more reasonable suggestion would be for matchmaking to exclude people from matches where warzone members are on their ignore lists. Still, I think the optimal solution would be to try not to get mass-ignored by the PvPers on your shard, no matter how righteous you think your criticisms are.

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Since "Ops Leader" in warzones is a random pick, not by popular vote, it means nothing to have that slot. Allowing that person to circumvent a person's ignore list, is just an example of why you may be on their list to begin with. It would also further encourage those delinquents to quit/re-queue till they get to be leader so they can scream at people, shout obscenities, and generally be a waste of a team player.


Ignore exists for a reason.


Any "special rules" where ignored people can suddenly be un-ignored would be the wrong thing to do.

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