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Re-vamping the fleets: cities instead


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One particular thing that bothers me about this game is how the fleets are designed.


1) They're instanced, and you cannot travel to the other faction's fleet. Which means no epic faction vs faction like we had in "that other game". Bored? Let's get a group of 200 people and raid the other faction's main city! Or kite a world boss to a city and wreck havoc and watch people flee.


2) Its very design is anti-social. There's no gathering point, people are scattered all over the place.

And for the RPers, you can't even sit down in the cantina or play games there. No one hangs out in the cantina. Not to mention you can't duel someone on the fleet. You have to go through the lengthy process of going to the shuttle bay, entering shuttle, traveling to a planet, exiting shuttle, entering air lock, exiting air lock, entering space dock, exiting space dock, taking a shuttle to the planet.



I'd like to see them replace fleets with open world cities, where we'd have housing and a huge marketplace in the center (or something along the line of the major cities in "that other game"), where players could also engage in multiplayer games (poker, backgammon, arm wrestling etc or more lore-friendly alternatives).

I think this would fix a lot of the boredom people are experiencing, and it would feel more like an MMORPG rather than a single-player online game.

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