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PVP/Illum/world pvp and other ideas


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I dont know if these ideas have been brought up but ill post them anyway.



Illum can be good but it needs some work as we all know,

-player cap of say 1 raid group per side per phase,its not true world pvp but it would fix the imbalance between factions and fps issues,just a temporary fix i know but better then what we have now.

-consoles or capture points of some kind that have to be held for a set amount of time before the team gets to move forward,not those silly tank thingys that go down to quick(use those as back up when/if we can use them).

Kinda like how battlefield dose it in rush mode but can be recapped,what i mean is if the pubs cap the center capture point the imps gets pushed back 1 base and then they have to hold it for a set amount of time and if they do they push the pubs back to the center and so on and so on.



i read a post about a guild(Exile) doing this and thought its a mad idea!!!

-Weekly mission to capture/recap a random enemy base on 1 of the planets,1 week the republic gets the mission to capture and the imperials get the mission to recap and then the next week its swapped,the bases will need a console(or somthing) to cap then defend and you can capture any base on any planet to make it random.


-Mission or the ablilty to raid the opposing factions fleet, (hmmm lag much) maybe not the actual fleet but 1 of the other ships in the fleet.Put a commander in there to kill or you have to download somthing so the raid has to defend for awhile.


-Capture points scattered around the planets that once capped opens up new missions and gear but would have to be part of a misson chain and not an option.The capture points would need an exclusion zone that prevents players higher then the level range joining in.



i got these ideas from AO(anarchy online)

-Attacks by the oposing factions NPCs on the fleet or other citys/bases that come in waves and get stronger each wave with mini bosses thrown in there every 3rd-4th wave and a big bad mother of a boss at the end.Each mob drops coms(for every1) and the bosses drop coms plus gear that can be rolled on.


-Dungeons/flashpoints for every1 on the planets,Kinda like dungeons from wow and FPs from TOR but their not just for a party their for every1 in the lvl range,could even have mixed faction dungeons with PVP turned off and if ppl want to go at it they can turn it back on.HMMMM come to think of it,on the pvp servers leave the pvp on and who ever controls the dungeon gets the loot....MAD FUN :D


Ive taken up enough of your time(who ever reads :p ) so what do you guys think hmmmm

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For world PvP


How about some more enticiment for actually doing it? Right now you dont see much open world pvp on any of the planets, and when you do its mostly a few guys running around ganking eachother, but never any large battles.


I guess since there is no xp or anything to really gain through world pvp, people dont want to spend time doing it.

I believe there has to be xp gained in this sort of gameplay plus there has to be some kind of consequence for being killed. Consequence could be loosing stuff from you inventory, like 50% or 100% of you credits and all crafting materials you may have on you at the time of death. Im sure there could be much more to it, but the point is that right now no one wants to really do world pvp, and no one has to fear being killed should they accidently meat someone that kills them, because they have nothing to loose.


So as I said, there has to be some kind of enticiment for doing open world pvp.

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