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Hybrid Healing/DPS Levelling build


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Hey all, let me quickly say that I have only recently converted to Sith Sorc. I always wanted to be one, but I was initially drawn more towards Imperial Agent/Bounty Hunter. After trying all their ACs (and absolutely LOVING Powertech and Sniper) I still felt something was missing. I've been a healer in MMOs for many years. My IA storyline was fantastic, and it was refreshing to just be pure DPS for once without feeling guilt-tripped into speccing healer or tank. The static and fairly flimsy nature of the class was endearing but not wholly satisfactory to me - I shelved him for now, but I like to bring him out for PvP now and again. The Powertech was AMAZING, levelling was quick and I was so mobile (not to mention much harder to kill and capable of great dps).


I do enjoy alts, though, and I thought that I'd like to create a Sorc healer which I could see some story on and PvP heal. Sorcs are really really common on my server (with me being slightly hipster, that was an initial turn off for me). However... holy moly I love this class! I've upgraded her to my main even at this low level, thanks to the legacy system I even love the character she's grown into (downtrodden turned evil sister).


Of course all of that is irrelevant - what this post is really about is my levelling spec. I've tried to do some research on these boards but I've been cautious (I've accidentally spoiled some story for my other characters or learnt of companions which would have been a nice surprise). I couldn't find a spec which I felt fit my needs, but I'm relatively clueless. I'd really appreciate some feedback on a build which I'm thinking of trying.


This build is designed to be a hybrid Healer/DPS levelling build. I have no idea how it would fare, so I look forward to criticism and advice regarding the usefulness of certain talents and abilities.




Honestly I doubt the effectiveness of this spec. My goal was to be a decent enough healer to heal Heroic 4+ quests, heal in PvP a bit, heal flashpoints up until 38ish at least, and have enough DPS clout to level efficiently. My main objectives with this build were to pick up healing abilities in Corruption like Innervate and Resurgence whilst also picking up Corruption talents which help both healing and DPS. I specced into Lightning because the DPS element of this build is not designed to help me in PVP or be optimised for single target boss fights - Chain Lightning was the main focus, I wanted to give myself an AoE capability.


More than a couple of points were allocated as filler options because I wasn't 100% sure what talents were worth taking. I'm also undecided in what order to pursue this build (if it's worthwhile building towards). How necessary is it to be Corruption specced to heal the 15-25 content?


I gratefully accept any advice. Like I said, I've tried to do my research but my attempts to preserve any spoilers for this character does make me cautious to check too many links or threads.

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This what I roll with. It's very difficult to die in PvP with this build. You are pretty close though.


I am valor rank 59 and have been usin this for quite a while. I don't have any issues with heroics or flashpoints either.


This is not and OPs build, you will run out of force in those.



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