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Why this serious mmo player quit swtor (casuals will stay a bit longer))


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Found this video

(don't watch this video if you are having fun playing atm lol might ruined it for ya)

Not sure how many people have seen this.... but he pretty much sums up everything wrong with swtor right now.... in 30 mins




im def waiting for these problems to be fix because i love the concept of stars wars in general but this game feels incompleted and rushed and i paid for it...Yes i know there will be problems for any mmo starting out but you don't leave out certain important features just so you can patch it later and to make it seem like new content/features in future(it should have been there already) because BW did take certain aspects of other mmos.


But as a casual gamer i can wait, but if it isn't fixed and gameplay in pvp/pve hasnt changed or improved in the next 2 months or so... this game is going to fail hard...I think SWTOR will need like 6-8 months to surpass other mmos (if it lasts that long as there are new mmos coming out this year)

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Found this video


Man I wish people would stop reposting this Sacredheals video as some sort of gospel truth.


You should also know - the guy who made this video (Sacredheals) also made one QQing about getting banned from TOR for trying to sell TOR credits for WoW gold. That's right, the guy who QQ'd "Why I Hate Star Wars" actually kept playing, and then whined about getting banned for being a gold farmer.


If you co-opt his opinion as your own, you're no better than he is.

Edited by face_hindu
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