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WZ stuff that could use fixing


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1. A player should be able to join a pre-made group and not require the rest of the group to unqueue and requeue.


2. Players should not have requeue as a default when a WZ finishes. If anything make it a toggle that stays locked until you change it. However, if you were in a pre-made, it automatically does not queue when you leave the WZ.


3. Add an option (dialog box prompt) when leaving a WZ to allow the players that were grouped pre-made (before the WZ) to regroup without them having to reinvite everyone. This does not apply to ops groups only 4 man. Whoever was leader before the WZ becomes leader again.


4. If a pre-made group leader unqueues, have it unqueue everyone in the group.


None of these are dramatically important I know, but it wouldn't take but a little code to implement and add more to the game.

Edited by Ozzone
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