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**{Must See T.V.}** Sage DPS is SOOO Hard


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I missed that part where I said you were full balanced. All I said was you are talented in balance.


Sooo, you proven again with your own admission that using just one skill you do less than 50% of your potential.


Like I said, all you've shown is how to to do terribad damage in a WZ.


What was your point again? :D


You should rephrase your OP to say:


"Look I did terrible damage and reduced my potential by over 50% by using just one skill...I was totally surprised."


my point was that i have sages on my server that do sub 200k dmg in every warzone and you can do more than that just spamming one button, press more buttons imo. thats my point, hence the Sage DPS is Sooo hard thread topic

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oh please ......


Anyone can post high numbers with any class:






Wait I though melee was gimp :cool: and scoundrels were UP.



Moral: Experienced players do better than non-experienced players.

Edited by Orangerascal
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oh please ......


Anyone can post high numbers with any class:






Wait I though melee was gimp :cool: and scoundrels were UP.



Moral: Experienced players do better than non-experienced players.


Fixed it

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Well than, following your somewhat right logic, movement keys are binder abilities, so it's not one button, but five... That's snipe, ambush, takedown, default attack and cover. Oh and I don't actually need to move around as a sniper. AND, since I'm being carried by the team, I'll have sorcs on my team pull me around, there's always 4,5 of the on the team anyway.


You wanna neat pick more?! Brig it on, sucka!


Wow, what a lame redirect of your own rant. Lol, dude called you on the carpet. Back up your claim with real data.


ASIDE from movement abilities; what ONE skill can an operative or mara spam to reach the numbers in the OP? ONE skill. No charge for rage and no stealth / cover.

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What does this have to do with anything? If you want to run around doing this, go right ahead. Just because one ability is "spam:able" and "does damage" does not mean it's in any way "overpowered". It just means that you can spam that ability and do ... well, decent, damage with it - if you have a terrible adversary and a decent team yourself.


I just fail to see the validity of your point, since one ability that does decent damage does not equate it to being "omglolzgood!1one" when coupled with other abilities. It just means that you can do decent damage with it.

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What does this have to do with anything? If you want to run around doing this, go right ahead. Just because one ability is "spam:able" and "does damage" does not mean it's in any way "overpowered". It just means that you can spam that ability and do ... well, decent, damage with it - if you have a terrible adversary and a decent team yourself.


I just fail to see the validity of your point, since one ability that does decent damage does not equate it to being "omglolzgood!1one" when coupled with other abilities. It just means that you can do decent damage with it.


It doesn't make it inherently OP, it makes it inherently faceroll. Which is what people will laugh about.

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What does this have to do with anything? If you want to run around doing this, go right ahead. Just because one ability is "spam:able" and "does damage" does not mean it's in any way "overpowered".


Agreed! Totally! Nobody is arguing otherwise.


What people ARE saying is, in the interests of BALANCE and FAIRNESS, all other classes should also have an ability like that.


ALL classes have a DPS spec. Then, to be balanced and fair, ALL classes should have a spammable ability that does comparable damage. Most classes do not. That's a problem.


It just means that you can spam that ability and do ... well, decent, damage with it - if you have a terrible adversary and a decent team yourself.


Again, true. But some classes are NOT given this as an option. Take my Marauder. I cannot do that kind of damage with one key. Even with two keys I still can't. I need 4-5 for that kind of damage. I need, at the very least, the rage builders (2 abilities, one with medium cooldown), I need the Deadly Saber bleed, I need Rupture bleed. That's 4. Preferably I should also have Annihilate. I also have to work (KPM, keypresses per minute) much more to achieve the same effect as a Sorcerer or Merc doing with a fraction of my KPM.


Fair? No, it's not. The end result is the same - X DPS. But the amount of work needed is disproportionate.


Let me give you a real world example. We are each given an identical room to clean. I get a Swiffer broom, you get a toothbrush. Who will finish first, and with a lot less work? See the problem now?


I just fail to see the validity of your point, since one ability that does decent damage does not equate it to being "omglolzgood!1one" when coupled with other abilities. It just means that you can do decent damage with it.


The point, once again for those in the cheap seats, is that two classes in the game are given very strong, spammable DPS abilities with 30m range. Other classes do not. That is neither balanced, nor fair. Which is what the video shows.


Want to change people's minds? Do a similar video. Bind 1 ability to 1 key. Pick any class but Merc/Comm or Sorc/Sage. See how well you do. Even with a good team. And even against complete noobs. Maybe then you'll see what the problem is.


I'm sorry if this sounds rude, but this stuff was OBVIOUS. This isn't rocket surgery. Add to that the obvious problem of the Sorc/Sage 500-600 resource pool, and the problem is only exacerbated.

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Wow, what a lame redirect of your own rant. Lol, dude called you on the carpet. Back up your claim with real data.


ASIDE from movement abilities; what ONE skill can an operative or mara spam to reach the numbers in the OP? ONE skill. No charge for rage and no stealth / cover.


Talk about lame redirects. I wasn't "called on" anything, as the whole one skill Mara/operative crap wasn't even addressed to me. Read before you troll, even better-read past the first line. Because th real rant was below the whole "sniper" remark.


And it had pretty much the same meaning as jizerai's post

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Talk about lame redirects. I wasn't "called on" anything, as the whole one skill Mara/operative crap wasn't even addressed to me. Read before you troll, even better-read past the first line. Because th real rant was below the whole "sniper" remark.


And it had pretty much the same meaning as jizerai's post


Well, that was my mistake and I apologize.


But, the real guy that got called out needs to answer.

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Problem is, and this is exactly what the video shows, is that he can pull that kind of damage with 1 button and hardly any movement. Yes he gets carried. Yes the enemy it atrocious.


But can a Mara pull that kind of numbers with 1 button? Nope.

Can a PT? Again, nope, not a single button they can spam can give those numbers or even close. Sure he can hit Flame Burst 4-6 times before overheat puts a stop to that, and then 20 seconds of cooloff before he can do it again.


What people are complaining about is that Mercs and Sorcs can spam one button, over and over, and get quite decent results. When NO OTHER CLASS IN THE GAME can do the same. Either nerf them, or buff others. Otherwise it's just not fair.


Which is the whole point of the video.


Problem is... If you let a sage/sorc free cast, you're a moron.

It's been proven that applying pressure on a sage/sorc is good for your health.


What's so "LOL" about a sage/sorc having 1 talent on his bar is that as the moment you interrupt it ... the sage/sorc goes "OMG OMG OMG" and has 75% of dying in the next 4 seconds.

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Agreed! Totally! Nobody is arguing otherwise.


What people ARE saying is, in the interests of BALANCE and FAIRNESS, all other classes should also have an ability like that.


ALL classes have a DPS spec. Then, to be balanced and fair, ALL classes should have a spammable ability that does comparable damage. Most classes do not. That's a problem.




Again, true. But some classes are NOT given this as an option. Take my Marauder. I cannot do that kind of damage with one key. Even with two keys I still can't. I need 4-5 for that kind of damage. I need, at the very least, the rage builders (2 abilities, one with medium cooldown), I need the Deadly Saber bleed, I need Rupture bleed. That's 4. Preferably I should also have Annihilate. I also have to work (KPM, keypresses per minute) much more to achieve the same effect as a Sorcerer or Merc doing with a fraction of my KPM.


Fair? No, it's not. The end result is the same - X DPS. But the amount of work needed is disproportionate.


Let me give you a real world example. We are each given an identical room to clean. I get a Swiffer broom, you get a toothbrush. Who will finish first, and with a lot less work? See the problem now?


The point, once again for those in the cheap seats, is that two classes in the game are given very strong, spammable DPS abilities with 30m range. Other classes do not. That is neither balanced, nor fair. Which is what the video shows.


Want to change people's minds? Do a similar video. Bind 1 ability to 1 key. Pick any class but Merc/Comm or Sorc/Sage. See how well you do. Even with a good team. And even against complete noobs. Maybe then you'll see what the problem is.


I'm sorry if this sounds rude, but this stuff was OBVIOUS. This isn't rocket surgery. Add to that the obvious problem of the Sorc/Sage 500-600 resource pool, and the problem is only exacerbated.


I should choose any other class and do the same thing, but I can't pick 1/3 of the other classes available. Hm..? You're also missing the fact that you have to be a particular spec (well.. 1 of 2 available) in order to achieve this ... fantastically good "combo".


What you're saying is that every class should play the same way? That everyone should have the same abilities and the same mechanics? I sure hope you're not saying that - and I actually don't think you are.


I see your point. But my counter-point is this: if you do this you are doing yourself and those in your team a terrible disservice. Because this tactic is just ... not good. Making your point kind of moot, because the ability isn't that great unless used in conjunction with other abilities as well.

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1363 max hit. That's OP! If you can get 12 of those at the same time and I was AFK you would kill me.


Max TICK, not max hit!


Ability is 3 sec channel (shorter, depending on Alacrity) and ticks 4 times. Highest tick was 1363, and ticks occur less than 1 second apart.


Costs 30 force. Average Sorc has 500 minimum, usually 600 force. You can cast 20 of these, without factoring in force regeneration, before you need to worry about running out of resources. Show me ANY other class that can cast 20 of something, that does this much single target damage, and can be cast 20 times without resource concerns, WITHOUT factoring in the regen.


Speaking of regen rate, Sorcerers have some neat talents. Like Sith Efficacy. Every time your Force Lightning does damage, you gain 1% of your force back. That is, you get back 4% with a single FL cast. And 4% of 600 is what? 24 force. With that one talent, each time you spend 30 force to spam Force Lightning, you get 24 force back if you are not interrupted. In other words, the net cost of this ability is 6 force. Out of a pool of 600. Or...drumroll please...1%.


Show me ANY other ability, of ANY other class, that does that much damage, is spammable, AND costs only 1% of your resource pool if allowed to complete successfully. Please, show me. And don't say Kinetic Throw or I'll hit you with my shoe.


But that's just fine, right? :rolleyes:

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What you're saying is that every class should play the same way? That everyone should have the same abilities and the same mechanics? I sure hope you're not saying that - and I actually don't think you are.


Not same, but equivalent!


We do not. Neither same, nor equivalent. Some people, like Marauders, have to work their butts off. This isn't just ME saying this. BIOWARE said this as well. I can find you a quote if you like, of them saying that Marauder rotation is one of the messiest or more complex in the whole damn game.

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What people ARE saying is, in the interests of BALANCE and FAIRNESS, all other classes should also have an ability like that.


If all classes were identical and if they played identical then giving then identical skills would be fair and balanced.


If..if.. If my aunt had b*lls she'd be my uncle. The class aren't the same and treating them as so isn't being unfair or unbalanced.


Give a melee class a melee skill that rooted them and was channel for 2.5+ seconds and I very much doubt they'd use it even if it had no CD.

Edited by ImURmaster
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Not same, but equivalent!


We do not. Neither same, nor equivalent. Some people, like Marauders, have to work their butts off. This isn't just ME saying this. BIOWARE said this as well. I can find you a quote if you like, of them saying that Marauder rotation is one of the messiest or more complex in the whole damn game.


I'm not arguing this. I agree that Marauders/Sentinels require some skill to play efficiently. Then, in return, they are beasts of pure rage and destruction in the hands of such a player.


I still don't really see what you're arguing for. Easier rotations for other classes? More complex rotations for Sorcerers/Sages? From where I'm standing it looks like you're saying: "Look at Sorcerers! They can Force Lightning their way to victory!" which just isn't the case.


On a unrelated note: I'm picking up my Marauder again! ;)

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The damage doesn't seem to match the amount of force it requires to use(it should take more force to use it). I've have sages chase me around huttballs just spamming that over and over and over and over and over. Eventually you just wear down to the pressure, especially since it's castable at range from platforms. The snare is the absolute worse part of it, the abilities damage is good enough for it not to have a snare since it ignores most armor.
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The damage doesn't seem to match the amount of force it requires to use(it should take more force to use it). I've have sages chase me around huttballs just spamming that over and over and over and over and over.


Chases you using TT? Okay.


Eventually you just wear down to the pressure, especially since it's castable at range from platforms. The snare is the absolute worse part of it, the abilities damage is good enough for it not to have a snare since it ignores most armor.


Go figure, a ranged DPS ranging you with damage. Personally I think Snipers are far worse.

Edited by ImURmaster
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The damage doesn't seem to match the amount of force it requires to use(it should take more force to use it). I've have sages chase me around huttballs just spamming that over and over and over and over and over. Eventually you just wear down to the pressure, especially since it's castable at range from platforms. The snare is the absolute worse part of it, the abilities damage is good enough for it not to have a snare since it ignores most armor.


It's a channeled ability, so if they are "chasing you around" while using it, I'd say you need to send a ticket. Also, it does not ignore armor. It is Energy damage and 100% mitigated by armor.

Edited by jizerai
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As a mara, I don't believe sorcs do any more damage than the other ranged DPS classes or have it anymore "easymode" but it does seem like they can keep nuking for much longer than the others, I find it pretty rare to see a fight long enough on my sorc that I run out of force, not the same story for my sniper who seems to end up running out of action after afew kills.


The Force needs a nerf! ;)

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It's a channeled ability, so if they are "chasing you around" while using it, I'd say you need to send a ticket. Also, it does not ignore armor. It is Energy damage and 100% mitigated by armor.


What he probably means by "chasing" is that the snare is pretty intense and that sorcs have force speed so it's not like you can just herp-a-derp away in most scenarios if the sorc/sage feels like chasing.

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as a mara, i don't believe sorcs do any more damage than the other ranged dps classes or have it anymore "easymode" but it does seem like they can keep nuking for much longer than the others, i find it pretty rare to see a fight long enough on my sorc that i run out of force, not the same story for my sniper who seems to end up running out of action after afew kills.


The force needs a nerf! ;)


nerf the force!!

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u cant do that w/ force litening


tk throw is stronger then f.l., ppl will say NO ITS MIRROR CLASS but theres diffrences


f.l. dont aoe on ppl, tk throw has a mini stun kinda thing, f.l. has a slow.. stun is better for pvp cos every1 got a jump or a range attack slows only rly good for ppl who run away but other classes got same thing. overall tk throw do more dmg then f.l.


im not tryin to say sage 'overall' is better then sorc 'overall' (imo sage got more surviveablilty and sorc got more dmg), but sage is definately better if your a 1-button nub who stand in 1 spot,, and theres a lot of such ppl in game

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