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raid stats breakdown?


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To be raid ready where should my stats be accuracy 100% crit 40% not sure what my priorities should be?


This is a debated topic. For PvE you actually need to be at 108% Accuracy in order for the boss to not be able to dodge your weapon damage attacks (this is especially important for Marksman). 100% means you won't miss, 108% means you won't be dodged.


Cunning is our main stat, but as you increase in gear level you'll see a larger emphasis placed on Power/Accuracy and less so on Cunning/Surge. In fact none of the Rakata Sniper pieces have Surge on them at all. I'm almost entirely in Rakata and my Surge has dropped to 0.



This is a tough question to ask simply because meters are not out yet, and with the recent Surge nerf our priorities are certain to have been adjusted. Power doesn't have Diminishing Returns and if you're at around 35%+ crit and your accuracy capped, power is never a poor stat to have. I'm reluctant to say Surge is important because BioWare currently has us itemized to ignore Surge (as I said before) and until meters come out it's hard to say where Surge lies in scale of importance. Also...ignore Alacrity. You do not want any for PvE.


If you can get your stats to around:


108% Accuracy

35% Crit


You have the ability to play around with your Power/Surge until you find a balance that works for you.

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A Damage meter is not some magical answer machine. Most of what it (or a combat log) will do is make it easier to confirm the research that's already been done.


Lacking a combat log has not stopped us from doing research, however. The Sniper Spreadsheet has been refined and verified to be a fairly accurate model of sniper damage output, and analysis using that model results in a somewhat precise set of stat weights.


Take a look at the Marksmanship Sniper/Sharpshooter Gunslinger Compendium linked in my signature for more details.


As far as what your stats need to be in order to succeed in an operation, that depends on how good you are, how good your teammates are, and how you define success. :)

Edited by Tibbel
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I've been meaning to ask, why is your compendium centered around MM and does not include a word of lethality?


Lethality PvE has issues that's why. Marksman when played correctly outweighs it as well. Lethality does solid damage and has good mobility, but it has awful energy issues in PvE, in fact it makes Marksman look efficient.



A Damage meter is not some magical answer machine. Most of what it (or a combat log) will do is make it easier to confirm the research that's already been done.


Lacking a combat log has not stopped us from doing research, however. The Sniper Spreadsheet has been refined and verified to be a fairly accurate model of sniper damage output, and analysis using that model results in a somewhat precise set of stat weights.


Take a look at the Marksmanship Sniper/Sharpshooter Gunslinger Compendium linked in my signature for more details.


As far as what your stats need to be in order to succeed in an operation, that depends on how good you are, how good your teammates are, and how you define success. :)



Combat Log/DPS Meters are confirmation. Our research now has nothing to prove whether or not it's accurate. We have a good IDEA of what is the correct way to do things, but I'll guarantee when Meters come out we will have to tweak some things.

Edited by Xizari
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I've been meaning to ask, why is your compendium centered around MM and does not include a word of lethality?


Because that's twice as much work (three times if you want to count Engineering). A little less than that, I guess, since some of the information can be shared.

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Interesting, after 40% crit rate (self buffed) and at 115 energy (with talents and set bonus) I find the energy consumption of lethality is managable (you cannot spam cull every time it is up) and the dps feels better than marksman. But that is another (perhaps lengthy) debate.


Also, I recall the spreadsheet showed higher DPS for lethality?

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I too disagree with your comment on Lethality, in my gear set i have no issues with power as Lethality. I can use Cull every time it is available, you just need to use a sustained rotation and not waste power on abilities that will put you at low energy regen rates.
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Lethality PvE has issues that's why. Marksman when played correctly outweighs it as well. Lethality does solid damage and has good mobility, but it has awful energy issues in PvE, in fact it makes Marksman look efficient.






Combat Log/DPS Meters are confirmation. Our research now has nothing to prove whether or not it's accurate. We have a good IDEA of what is the correct way to do things, but I'll guarantee when Meters come out we will have to tweak some things.


So, is that thing actually accurate? O.o I can't get the statweights one to work but using the spreadsheet itself and changing my stats around(based on mods) losing crit and going towards more power was a decent DPS jump. Going from ~140 power to 340~ and from ~300 crit to 156 I gained something like 70 DPS iirc. It just seems power trumps all atm, making the 47 cunning/8 crit mods also lose out to the 36 cunning/27 power mods which is what I was already thinking but was told crit was supreme. Guess it's time to redo dailies @_@

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