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Corben Dallas' Suggestion Compendium - Issue #1


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Hello and thank you for reading Corben Dallas' Suggestion Compendium - Issue #1




This compendium will cover a variety of suggestions ranging from abilities to content and specific mechanics to


further guide the reader to the point of a concept. All suggestions done in "imperial". Enjoy and please feel free


to voice your opinions...


Warning: this may be TL:DR


1. Content




Voidstar Evolved (VSE):

Void star has 5 barricades, 3 major and 2 minor. VSE takes away the first minor and second major barricade away, and replaces it with a space combat sequence in which the attacking team must effectively take out the defending


ships shield generators and land in the hangars. The remainder of the warzone proceeds as a typical void star match/game mechanics/pvp.


Introduced with this and other of my suggested warzones is an advanced class specific spacecraft ability. Once again, A "advanced class specific spacecraft ability". Absorb.



"Lock-On": Locks on to the opposing players spacecraft


"Grapple-Claw": Shoots a retractable projectile towards an enemy spacecraft, placing the opponent in better range


"Intercept": Rapidly travel within range of an enemy spacecraft, (from a far distance)


"Tractor Beam": Stops the players vehicle while holding another enemy spacecraft in place with a tractor beam


"Deep EMP Shell": Detonates a emp shockwave from the epicenter of the players spacecraft, causing temporary control


loss from enemy spacecrafts caught in the wave.


"Cloak": Spacecraft can travel in cloak, causing damage cancels this effect.


"Coordinated Strike": Quickly Paints a target zone for a tactical strike, causing major damage to enemy spacecrafts caught in the strike.


"Crippling Torpedo": Fires a long-range shot to enemy spacecrafts, causing damage and weapons loss for a brief amount of time.


Also introduced is new, PVP space combat control. Players will have a freespace shell environment where a Starship Destroyer sits in the center of the shell with attackable nodes. Spacecrafts will continously move forward, like


jets in bf3; they will have the same abilities from normal space combat with a additional abilities mentioned above. There could even be objective-type abilities.


Rakata Mothership:


Mission: The defending team has acquired an ancient abandoned Rakata Mothership. Your team has landed their spacecrafts secretly aboard the mothership and will attempt to take control of the bridge. Once in control the team


will return to their spacecrafts and repel the enemy teams one last attempt to take control of the mothership.


This warzone is basically like VSE in reverse but with new Rakata Scenery and playfield


2. Abilities


First off, I want to introduce some more general combat abilities to give the game more of a star wars melee feel.


This compendium issue will focus more on abilites that add new game tactics that will ultimately add new depth to a 1v1 fight, but could also be applied to all situations as seen fit.


It basically boils down to an ability that can be used against a Melee Weapon Enemy, and a seperate ability for a


Ranged Weapon Enemy.


Lets start with Counters...


Sith Warriors:

Vs. Melee Opponent

Block: Engages a block with the melee weapon blocking the next attack from a melee weapon. 1.5s active, 7s cooldown. Movement Cancels the Effect. (and places on CD)


Vs Ranged Opponent

Deflect: Deflects the next ammunition round with lightsaber. Active 1.5s, 7s cd. Movement Cancels the Effect.


Sith Inquisitors:

Vs Melee Opponents

"Force Spark": Discharge Force kinetic energy causing the next melee attack to fail. Active 1.5s, 7s cd. Movement Cancels the Effect.


Vs Range:

"Absorption": Creates a palmed kinetic charge in the weilders hand, absorbing the next ammunition round. Active 1.5s, 7s cd. Movement Cancels the Effect.


Bounty Hunters:

Vs. Melee and Ranged

"Holster Shot": Fires a quick shot at the casters hilt, failing the next melee attempt.Active 1.5s, 7s cd. Movement Cancels the Effect. **in this stance the next against the BH causings a missile projectile animation to reach the


opponents weapon/hand**


Imperial Agents:

Same as BH


Taking Counters further!: ZOMG


All Classes:

"Roll!": Castable up to 1s after countered, the player can activate roll to cancel the next attack from any opponent!


Ok everyone, this concludes this issue of Corben Dallas' Suggestion Compendium, however - perhaps more issues will surface in the future. Until next time, this is Corben --out.

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