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The Federation/Klingons/Romulans/Etc. (Star Trek) Vs. The Imperium of Man (40k)


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Here's a map of the Imperium of Mankind...




...and a map of the Star Trek galaxy.




Let's say four wormholes open up, connecting the two galaxies together. They're located as follows:


WORMHOLE 1: It connects from Necromunda (40k) to the region of space where the borders of the United Federation of Planets, Romulan Star Empire, and Klingon Empire meet.


WORMHOLE 2: It connects from Cadia (40k) to Bajor (Star Trek), albeit not through the Bajoran Wormhole, instead opening up just outside the Bajoran star system.


WORMHOLE 3: It connects from Baal (40k) to the Founders Homeworld (Star Trek) in the Gamma Quadrant.


WORMHOLE 4: It connects from Macragge (40k) to the heart of Borg space in the Delta Quadrant.


So what happens?

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