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Crew Skill Ideas:


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1. Colorize Your Own Speeder.

2. Create Your Own Pod-Racer.

3. Create Your Own Droid Companion.

4. Create Mines.

5. Create Party Bombs



1. Colorize Your Own Lightsaber.

2. Create Your Own Lightsaber Handle.



1. Create Roleplaying Gear.



1. Nerf Biochem

Edited by uga-buga
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I am not for nerfing on anything. They nerfed Slicing, then they nerfed Treasure Hunting and TH is worth ZILCH! You are lucky if you can get a Class 6 Gemstone mission let alone an abundant yield one. Managed to get 2 rare abundant yield Class 6 Gemstone missions late yesterday after grinding for 8 hours non stop and didn't get any purple. I havent gotten purple class 6 gemstones for 3 days.


People need to quit asking to nerf skills. What is it that makes someone ask to nerf a skill? I just cant see someone saying... "OMG, I am just getting way too many good things, this is just too good I'm gonna cry and ask them to stop it!". I can however see someone saying "OMG that guy is getting paid way too much, I think we need to nerf his skills down".


Its none of your business what someone else is getting. If you are so concerned about it why dont you opt to go with his skills and cash in too!


I would like to see the following added to crew skills...


1. Balance the skills out that are not giving anything, and make class 6 rare items obtainable but DONT nerf skills. I dont care whos skills they are. Quit nerfing.


2. Option to colorize items, robes, mounts, etc. Adding a stylist skill would be cool. They could colorize items, as well as hair, appearance, paint, tatoos.


3. I would like to see more playable skills. I hate Treasure Hunting because all I can do is send crew out. The only reason I keep it is because I like Artifice and it is needed for Artifice. I would like to be able to go out and harvest TH items myself like I do with Archeology. I would also like to see mining or harvesters added that you can place and harvest things like ore, crystals, gemstones, bio resources, etc. making the game more playable for crafters.


4. If your gonna make extra rare items available through flashpoints and long battles then they need to be made available through single player missions. I do not like to group all the time. I prefer to play alone and it sucks that in order to craft certain items I am forced to group.

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