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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Do You Like SWTOR In It's Current State? YES/NO


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The current endgame raiding PvE environment is uninspired at best. There is little difference between Normal/Hard/Nightmare in terms of game mechanics, the boss might just hit harder or enrage sooner. The fights themselves are quite boring and lack story relevance. The loot tables are garbage considering the only thing worthwhile on them is set gear. Normal mode loot is auto-assigned which baffles me to this day. The crafting gear is garbage so the special crafting mats that drop are worthless. A raid can get fully geared in a couple weeks, leading senseless grinding of boring encounters that yield no meaningful rewards.


Leveling is fun though, grats on making a good 1 player game as usual Bioware.

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No. The game is boring, buggy, and uninspired.


The stories lack any real depth or excitement (or any excitement they would have is destroyed by having to do 400 fetch quests in between each story element).


It's just a bad game.


Bioware blew it. The next big thing will steal it's thunder and then it will all be over for TOR.

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Special note:


STOP voting twice! You make my job of running this thread and counting votes INFINITELY more difficult.


If you vote twice and I catch you, (and I WILL catch you, I run names through a spreadsheet to find cheaters!), this is what happens: You lose the extra vote, your ORIGINAL vote, and you are marked down to never be counted in any tally I ever make on these forums ever again. The worst offenders who do this multiple times are placed on my ignore list permanently so they can't mess with my counts ever again.


If you voted twice on accident, PM me with your situation and I will reinstate your vote.


TL;DR: Do not attempt to skew the poll. I will find out.


To everyone else: My tally is air-tight and bullet proof. Rest assured that it is as accurate as I can humanly make it.


Thank you,

~The Threadstarter

Edited by StrikeOfLight
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LAST UPDATED: February 20, 2012




(Responses to "Do you like SWTOR in it's current state?"):



765 SWTOR players voted NO.


700 SWTOR players voted YES.


108 individuals are Undecided/Unclear.



CLICK HERE to view pie-chart.

Each vote is counted by hand 3-5 times, ensuring accuracy.




REMINDER: If you have voted in any of the previous threads, please state that you have done so. You are welcome to voice your opinion again, but if I counted your vote twice it wouldn't be fair to others. I am forced to throw out the extra vote, and if I suspect you of skewing, I throw out the original vote also. Just let me know in your post.


Thank you for keeping this thread troll free and not responding to provocation. Continue, as usual.

Edited by StrikeOfLight
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Levelling is great, feels like a story combined with MMO elements. However late game things just die out and people lose interest; I really hope Bioware plans to implement more than just extra Ops to sate the player base. To be Frank Bainimarama.

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Spamming chat for hours to do one flashpoint is crap.

Planets feel static and like a level not like a world.

Classbalance takes way to long (Inq/sage healing imbalance anyone)

Lack of communication and bad customer service


once my time runs out im back to wow with the new Xpac or maybe gw2 i dont know.


Im a huge Star Wars fan but this ist not gonna keep me subscribed. I wish someone other had programmed the game.

Edited by Sollon
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yes, feels like the good old days at the launch of other mmo's. the game plays well despite minor annoyances. lots of divergent things to do besides levelling alts. endgame is engaging for now, and pvp is alot of fun if you roll solo or in a group of guildies. nothing bad to say with certainty.
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"Q: Do you like SWTOR in it's current state?"


This is a difficult question to answer because any MMORPG is never in the same state as it was in the previous patch, contenct update, hotfix, etc.


Do I like SWTOR? Yes, I love the game.


Do I think things need to be fixed/tweaked/changed? Yes, I do. What specifically needs to be fixed/tweaked/changed - in my opinion - is already being worked on by Bioware and coming down the tunnel in terms of patches, etc.

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It's on it's way to being one of the greatest MMO's.


There are some things that are amazingly polished and detailed and innovative.


And other things that are half baked and need more time in the creative oven.



They're working on the latter. All MMO's go through this at launch. When they hit their stride it's going to be great for all of us.

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It's on it's way to being one of the greatest MMO's.


There are some things that are amazingly polished and detailed and innovative.


And other things that are half baked and need more time in the creative oven.



They're working on the latter. All MMO's go through this at launch. When they hit their stride it's going to be great for all of us.


I dearly hope you are correct.

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Yes, I love it.




there are (4) main issues I have... I'm hoping most will someday be added or fixed...


(1) no warzones that are 20vs20, 30vs30 or 40vs40

(2) the space combat isn't open enough

(3) there isn't very much traditional storm / clone trooper type armor. The low level first armor set with the red havoc symbols is awesome, but only the chest piece is orange and can have the stats changed, why can't every piece be that way?

(4) less loading screens and more open planets like tatooine and hoth

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